Giorgio Savini

2001-2004 Physics Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Lazio, Italy 
"Giorgio Savini"
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Zhao G, Savini G, Yu Y, et al. (2019) A dual-port THz Time Domain Spectroscopy System optimized for recovery of a sample's Jones matrix. Scientific Reports. 9: 2099
Moseley P, Savini G, Zhang J, et al. (2017) Dual focus polarisation splitting lens. Optics Express. 25: 25363-25373
Savini G, Ade PA, Zhang J. (2012) A new artificial material approach for flat THz frequency lenses. Optics Express. 20: 25766-73
Grainger WF, Juanola-Parramon R, Ade PA, et al. (2012) Demonstration of spectral and spatial interferometry at THz frequencies. Applied Optics. 51: 2202-11
Zhang J, Ade PA, Mauskopf P, et al. (2011) Polypropylene embedded metal mesh broadband achromatic half-wave plate for millimeter wavelengths. Applied Optics. 50: 3750-7
Matsumura T, Hanany S, Ade P, et al. (2009) Performance of three- and five-stack achromatic half-wave plates at millimeter wavelengths. Applied Optics. 48: 3614-25
Savini G, Ade PA, House J, et al. (2009) Recovering the frequency dependent modulation function of the achromatic half-wave plate for POL-2: the SCUBA-2 polarimeter. Applied Optics. 48: 2006-13
Pisano G, Savini G, Ade PA, et al. (2008) Metal-mesh achromatic half-wave plate for use at submillimeter wavelengths. Applied Optics. 47: 6251-6
Savini G, Pisano G, Ade PA. (2006) Achromatic half-wave plate for submillimeter instruments in cosmic microwave background astronomy: modeling and simulation. Applied Optics. 45: 8907-15
Pisano G, Savini G, Ade PA, et al. (2006) Achromatic half-wave plate for submillimeter instruments in cosmic microwave background astronomy: experimental characterization. Applied Optics. 45: 6982-9
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