Kyungwon An

Physics Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea 
"Kyungwon An"
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Han J, Kim J, Oh SH, et al. (2021) Hyperradiance by a stream of phase-correlated atomic dipole pairs traversing a high-Q cavity. Scientific Reports. 11: 11256
Ann BM, Song Y, Kim J, et al. (2019) Observation of scalable sub-Poissonian-field lasing in a microlaser. Scientific Reports. 9: 17110
Park KW, Moon S, Shin Y, et al. (2018) Shannon entropy and avoided crossings in closed and open quantum billiards. Physical Review. E. 97: 062205
Kim J, Yang D, Oh SH, et al. (2017) Coherent single-atom superradiance. Science (New York, N.Y.)
Kwak H, Shin Y, Moon S, et al. (2015) Nonlinear resonance-assisted tunneling induced by microcavity deformation. Scientific Reports. 5: 9010
Lee M, Kim J, Seo W, et al. (2014) Three-dimensional imaging of cavity vacuum with single atoms localized by a nanohole array. Nature Communications. 5: 3441
Kang S, Lim S, Hwang M, et al. (2011) Controlled generation of single photons in a coupled atom-cavity system at a fast repetition-rate. Optics Express. 19: 2440-7
Kim W, Park C, Kim JR, et al. (2011) Tunneling-induced spectral broadening of a single atom in a three-dimensional optical lattice. Nano Letters. 11: 729-33
Kang S, Choi Y, Lim S, et al. (2010) Continuous control of the coupling constant in an atom-cavity system by using elliptic polarization and magnetic sublevels. Optics Express. 18: 9286-302
Choi Y, Kang S, Lim S, et al. (2010) Quasieigenstate coalescence in an atom-cavity quantum composite. Physical Review Letters. 104: 153601
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