Year |
Citation |
Score |
2009 |
Mitchell RE, Shepherd MR, Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Smith A, Zweber P, Dobbs S, ... ... He Q, et al. Observation of D+ --> etae + nue. Physical Review Letters. 102: 081801. PMID 19257732 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.102.081801 |
0.769 |
2009 |
Naik P, Rademacker J, Asner DM, Edwards KW, Reed J, Robichaud AN, Tatishvili G, Briere RA, Vogel H, Onyisi PU, Rosner JL, Alexander JP, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ehrlich R, ... ... He Q, et al. Observation of eta' decays to pi+pi-pi0 and pi+pi-e+e-. Physical Review Letters. 102: 061801. PMID 19257578 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.102.061801 |
0.792 |
2009 |
Mitchell RE, Shepherd MR, Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Zweber P, Dobbs S, Metreveli Z, ... ... He Q, et al. J/psi and psi(2S) Radiative Transitions to eta_{c}. Physical Review Letters. 102: 011801. PMID 19257180 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.102.011801 |
0.772 |
2008 |
Love W, Savinov V, Lopez A, Mehrabyan S, Mendez H, Ramirez J, Huang GS, Miller DH, Pavlunin V, Sanghi B, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, ... ... He Q, et al. Search for lepton flavor violation in upsilon decays. Physical Review Letters. 101: 201601. PMID 19113327 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.201601 |
0.781 |
2008 |
He Q, Insler J, Muramatsu H, Park CS, Thorndike EH, Yang F, Artuso M, Blusk S, Khalil S, Li J, Mountain R, Nisar S, Randrianarivony K, Sultana N, Skwarnicki T, et al. Observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S) and search for related transitions. Physical Review Letters. 101: 192001. PMID 19113261 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.192001 |
0.776 |
2008 |
Dobbs S, Metreveli Z, Seth KK, Tomaradze A, Libby J, Powell A, Wilkinson G, Ecklund KM, Love W, Savinov V, Lopez A, Mendez H, Ramirez J, Ge JY, Miller DH, ... ... He Q, et al. Precision measurement of the mass of the hc(1P1) state of charmonium. Physical Review Letters. 101: 182003. PMID 18999820 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.182003 |
0.761 |
2008 |
Libby J, Martin L, Powell A, Wilkinson G, Ecklund KM, Love W, Savinov V, Mendez H, Ge JY, Miller DH, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurement of the eta'-meson mass using J/psi-->gammaeta'. Physical Review Letters. 101: 182002. PMID 18999819 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.182002 |
0.805 |
2008 |
Love W, Savinov V, Mendez H, Ge JY, Miller DH, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Hu D, Moziak B, Napolitano J, He Q, et al. Search for very light CP-odd Higgs Boson in radiative decays of Upsilon(1S). Physical Review Letters. 101: 151802. PMID 18999589 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.151802 |
0.769 |
2008 |
Bennett JV, Mitchell RE, Shepherd MR, Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Zweber P, Dobbs S, ... ... He Q, et al. Observation of chicJ radiative decays to light vector mesons. Physical Review Letters. 101: 151801. PMID 18999588 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.151801 |
0.764 |
2008 |
Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Hu D, Moziak B, Napolitano J, He Q, Insler J, Muramatsu H, Park CS, Thorndike EH, Yang F, Artuso M, Blusk S, et al. Observation of J/psi-->3gamma. Physical Review Letters. 101: 101801. PMID 18851203 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.101801 |
0.805 |
2008 |
Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Gong DT, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Smith A, Zweber P, Dobbs S, Metreveli Z, Seth KK, Tomaradze A, ... ... He Q, et al. Study of the decays D0-->pi{-}e{+}nu{e}, D{0}-->K{-}e{+}nu{e}, D{+}-->pi{0}e{+}nu{e}, and D{+}-->K0e{+}nu{e}. Physical Review Letters. 100: 251802. PMID 18643653 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.251802 |
0.794 |
2008 |
Rosner JL, Alexander JP, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ehrlich R, Fields L, Gibbons L, Gray R, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, Hertz D, Jones CD, Kandaswamy J, Kreinick DL, ... ... He Q, et al. Determination of the strong phase in D0-->K+pi- using quantum-correlated measurements. Physical Review Letters. 100: 221801. PMID 18643413 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.221801 |
0.791 |
2008 |
Athar SB, Patel R, Yelton J, Rubin P, Eisenstein BI, Karliner I, Mehrabyan S, Lowrey N, Selen M, White EJ, Wiss J, Mitchell RE, Shepherd MR, Besson D, Pedlar TK, ... ... He Q, et al. First observation of the decay Ds+-->pn. Physical Review Letters. 100: 181802. PMID 18518362 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.181802 |
0.803 |
2008 |
Alexander JP, Berkelman K, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ehrlich R, Fields L, Gibbons L, Gray R, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, Hertz D, Jones CD, Kandaswamy J, Kreinick DL, ... ... He Q, et al. Absolute measurement of hadronic branching fractions of the Ds+ meson. Physical Review Letters. 100: 161804. PMID 18518186 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.161804 |
0.811 |
2008 |
Ecklund KM, Love W, Savinov V, Lopez A, Mendez H, Ramirez J, Ge JY, Miller DH, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Hu D, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of Ds+ --> tau+ nutau decay. Physical Review Letters. 100: 161801. PMID 18518183 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.161801 |
0.801 |
2008 |
He Q, Insler J, Muramatsu H, Park CS, Thorndike EH, Yang F, Coan TE, Gao YS, Artuso M, Blusk S, Butt J, Li J, Menaa N, Mountain R, Nisar S, et al. Comparison of D--> KS0 pi and D--> KL0 pi decay rates. Physical Review Letters. 100: 091801. PMID 18352696 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.100.091801 |
0.776 |
2007 |
Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Hu D, Moziak B, Napolitano J, He Q, Insler J, Muramatsu H, Park CS, Thorndike EH, Yang F, Artuso M, Blusk S, et al. Suppressed decays of D(s)(+) mesons to two pseudoscalar mesons. Physical Review Letters. 99: 191805. PMID 18233066 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.191805 |
0.791 |
2007 |
Artuso M, Blusk S, Butt J, Li J, Menaa N, Mountain R, Nisar S, Randrianarivony K, Sia R, Skwarnicki T, Stone S, Wang JC, Zhang K, Bonvicini G, Cinabro D, ... ... He Q, et al. Evidence for the decay D0-->K(-)pi(+)pi(-)e(+)nu(e). Physical Review Letters. 99: 191801. PMID 18233062 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.191801 |
0.799 |
2007 |
Artuso M, Blusk S, Butt J, Khalil S, Li J, Menaa N, Mountain R, Nisar S, Randrianarivony K, Sia R, Skwarnicki T, Stone S, Wang JC, Bonvicini G, Cinabro D, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurement of the decay constant f(Ds+) using D(s+)-->l+ nu. Physical Review Letters. 99: 071802. PMID 17930886 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.071802 |
0.741 |
2007 |
Miller DH, Sanghi B, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Ge JY, Hu D, Moziak B, Napolitano J, He Q, Insler J, Muramatsu H, et al. Measurement of the eta-meson mass using psi(2S) --> etaJ/psi. Physical Review Letters. 99: 122002. PMID 17930498 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.122002 |
0.799 |
2007 |
Lopez A, Mehrabyan S, Mendez H, Ramirez J, Ge JY, Miller DH, Sanghi B, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, Hu D, Moziak B, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurement of prominent eta-decay branching fractions. Physical Review Letters. 99: 122001. PMID 17930497 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.122001 |
0.797 |
2007 |
Adam NE, Alexander JP, Berkelman K, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ehrlich R, Fields L, Gibbons L, Gray R, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, Hertz D, Jones CD, Kandaswamy J, ... ... He Q, et al. Study of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and |Vub|. Physical Review Letters. 99: 041802. PMID 17678351 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.041802 |
0.749 |
2007 |
Cawlfield C, Eisenstein BI, Karliner I, Kim D, Lowrey N, Naik P, Selen M, White EJ, Wiss J, Mitchell RE, Shepherd MR, Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, ... ... He Q, et al. Precision determination of the D0 mass. Physical Review Letters. 98: 092002. PMID 17359150 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.98.092002 |
0.807 |
2007 |
Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Gong DT, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Smith A, Zweber P, Dobbs S, Metreveli Z, ... ... He Q, et al. Observation of Upsilon(3S)-->tau+tau- and tests of lepton universality in Upsilon decays. Physical Review Letters. 98: 052002. PMID 17358847 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.98.052002 |
0.789 |
2006 |
Adam NE, Alexander JP, Berkelman K, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ecklund KM, Ehrlich R, Fields L, Gibbons L, Gray R, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, Hertz D, Jones CD, ... ... He Q, et al. Absolute branching fraction measurements for D+ and D0 inclusive semileptonic decays. Physical Review Letters. 97: 251801. PMID 17280340 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.97.251801 |
0.79 |
2006 |
Coan TE, Gao YS, Liu F, Artuso M, Boulahouache C, Blusk S, Butt J, Dorjkhaidav O, Li J, Menaa N, Mountain R, Nandakumar R, Randrianarivony K, Redjimi R, Sia R, ... ... He Q, et al. Observation of Psi(3770)-->gammachi(c1)-->gammagammaJ/Psi. Physical Review Letters. 96: 182002. PMID 16712360 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.182002 |
0.598 |
2006 |
Coan TE, Gao YS, Liu F, Artuso M, Blusk S, Butt J, Li J, Menaa N, Mountain R, Nisar S, Randrianarivony K, Redjimi R, Sia R, Skwarnicki T, Stone S, ... ... He Q, et al. Charmonium Decays of Y(4260), psi(4160), and psi(4040). Physical Review Letters. 96: 162003. PMID 16712216 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.162003 |
0.799 |
2006 |
Aquines O, Li Z, Lopez A, Mendez H, Ramirez J, Huang GS, Miller DH, Pavlunin V, Sanghi B, Shipsey IP, Xin B, Adams GS, Anderson M, Cummings JP, Danko I, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurements of the exclusive decays of the upsilon(5S) to meson final states and improved B(s)* mass measurement. Physical Review Letters. 96: 152001. PMID 16712149 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.152001 |
0.78 |
2006 |
Rosner JL, Adam NE, Alexander JP, Berkelman K, Cassel DG, Duboscq JE, Ecklund KM, Ehrlich R, Fields L, Galik RS, Gibbons L, Gray R, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, ... ... He Q, et al. Dielectron widths of the Gamma(1S,2S,3S) resonances. Physical Review Letters. 96: 092003. PMID 16606256 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.092003 |
0.779 |
2006 |
Besson D, Pedlar TK, Cronin-Hennessy D, Gao KY, Gong DT, Hietala J, Kubota Y, Klein T, Lang BW, Poling R, Scott AW, Smith A, Dobbs S, Metreveli Z, Seth KK, ... ... He Q, et al. Measurement of sigma(e+e- -->psi(3770)-->hadrons) at Ec.m.=3773 MeV. Physical Review Letters. 96: 092002. PMID 16606255 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.092002 |
0.587 |
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