Chun-Feng Li, Ph.D. - Publications

2002 University of Tulsa, United States 
Geophysics, Geology, Mathematics

45 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Duan W, Li C, Chen X, Luo C, Tuo L, Liu J. Diagenetic differences caused by gas charging with different compositions in the XF13 block of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea Aapg Bulletin. 104: 735-765. DOI: 10.1306/06191917331  0.317
2020 Lu Z, Li C, Zhu S, Audet P. Effective elastic thickness over the Chinese mainland and surroundings estimated from a joint inversion of Bouguer admittance and coherence Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 301: 106456. DOI: 10.1016/J.Pepi.2020.106456  0.412
2020 Peng X, Li C, Shen C, Li K, Zhao Z, Xie X. Anomalous lower crustal structure and origin of magmatism in the southeastern margin of the South China Sea Marine and Petroleum Geology. 122: 104711. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpetgeo.2020.104711  0.508
2020 Yao Z, Li C, He G, Tao T, Zheng X, Zhang T, Tang X, Zhao T. Cenozoic sill intrusion in the central and southern East China Sea Shelf Basin Marine and Petroleum Geology. 119: 104465. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpetgeo.2020.104465  0.499
2020 Fang P, Ding W, Lin X, Zhao Z, Fang Y, Li C. Neogene subsidence pattern in the multi-episodic extension systems: Insights from backstripping modelling of the Okinawa Trough Marine and Petroleum Geology. 111: 662-675. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpetgeo.2019.08.051  0.468
2020 Li Y, Abbas A, Li C, Sun T, Zlotnik S, Song T, Zhang L, Yao Z, Yao Y. Numerical modeling of failed rifts in the northern South China Sea margin: Implications for continental rifting and breakup Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 199: 104402. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jseaes.2020.104402  0.466
2020 Zhou D, Li C, Zlotnik S, Wang J. Correlations between oceanic crustal thickness, melt volume, and spreading rate from global gravity observation Marine Geophysical Researches. 41: 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-020-09413-X  0.392
2020 Duan W, Li C, Luo C, Chen J, Huang X, Yan Z. Formation of an anomalously high‐porosity zone of a very fine‐grained deep clastic reservoir in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea Geological Journal. DOI: 10.1002/Gj.3938  0.458
2019 Li C, Clift P, Sun Z, Larsen HC. Starting a New Ocean and Stopping It Oceanography. 32: 153-156. DOI: 10.5670/Oceanog.2019.138  0.327
2019 Wan X, Li C, Zhao M, He E, Liu S, Qiu X, Lu Y, Chen N. Seismic Velocity Structure of the Magnetic Quiet Zone and Continent‐Ocean Boundary in the Northeastern South China Sea Journal of Geophysical Research. 124: 11866-11899. DOI: 10.1029/2019Jb017785  0.448
2019 Sun Z, Ding W, Zhao X, Qiu N, Lin J, Li C. The Latest Spreading Periods of the South China Sea: New Constraints From Macrostructure Analysis of IODP Expedition 349 Cores and Geophysical Data Journal of Geophysical Research. 124: 9980-9998. DOI: 10.1029/2019Jb017584  0.414
2019 Long X, Ballmer MD, Córdoba AM‐, Li C. Mantle Melting and Intraplate Volcanism Due to Self‐Buoyant Hydrous Upwellings From the Stagnant Slab That Are Conveyed by Small‐Scale Convection Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 20: 4972-4997. DOI: 10.1029/2019Gc008591  0.381
2019 Song T, Li C, Wu S, Yao Y, Gao J. Extensional styles of the conjugate rifted margins of the South China Sea Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 177: 117-128. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jseaes.2019.03.008  0.528
2018 Duan W, Li C, Luo C, Chen X, Bao X. Effect of formation overpressure on the reservoir diagenesis and its petroleum geological significance for the DF11 block of the Yinggehai Basin, the South China Sea Marine and Petroleum Geology. 97: 49-65. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpetgeo.2018.06.033  0.341
2018 Wang J, Li C. Curie point depths in Northeast China and their geothermal implications for the Songliao Basin Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 163: 177-193. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jseaes.2018.05.026  0.374
2017 Li CF, Lu Y, Wang J. A global reference model of Curie-point depths based on EMAG2. Scientific Reports. 7: 45129. PMID 28322332 DOI: 10.1038/Srep45129  0.364
2017 Liu Z, Li C, Kulhanek D. Preface: Evolution of the deep South China Sea: Integrated IODP Expedition 349 results Marine Geology. 394: 1-3. DOI: 10.1016/J.Margeo.2017.11.009  0.35
2017 Cao Y, Li C, Yao Y. Thermal subsidence and sedimentary processes in the South China Sea Basin Marine Geology. 394: 30-38. DOI: 10.1016/J.Margeo.2017.07.022  0.45
2017 Song X, Li C, Yao Y, Shi H. Magmatism in the evolution of the South China Sea: Geophysical characterization Marine Geology. 394: 4-15. DOI: 10.1016/J.Margeo.2017.07.021  0.521
2016 Smythe J, Gersztenkorn A, Radovich B, Li CF, Liner C. Gulf of Mexico shelf framework interpretation using a bed-form attribute from spectral imaging The Leading Edge. 23: 921-926. DOI: 10.1190/1.1803504  0.641
2016 Wang D, Wu S, Li C, Yao G. Submarine slide evidence for late Miocene strike-slip reversal of the Red River Fault Science China-Earth Sciences. 59: 2231-2239. DOI: 10.1007/S11430-015-5534-9  0.502
2016 Li C, Wang J. Variations in Moho and Curie depths and heat flow in Eastern and Southeastern Asia Marine Geophysical Researches. 37: 1-20. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-016-9265-4  0.47
2015 Wang J, Li C. Crustal magmatism and lithospheric geothermal state of western North America and their implications for a magnetic mantle Tectonophysics. 638: 112-125. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tecto.2014.11.002  0.458
2015 Sun Z, Li C, Zhang G, Larsen HC. Introduction to “tectonics and sedimentation of Southeast Asian continental margin and marginal seas” Marine Geophysical Research. 36: 99-100. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-015-9257-9  0.466
2015 Song T, Li C. Rifting to drifting transition of the Southwest Subbasin of the South China Sea Marine Geophysical Researches. 36: 167-185. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-015-9253-0  0.512
2014 Liu W, Li C, Li J, Fairhead D, Zhou Z. Deep structures of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and their implications for opening of the South China Sea Marine and Petroleum Geology. 58: 721-735. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpetgeo.2014.06.005  0.496
2013 Li C, Wang J, Lin J, Wang T. Thermal evolution of the North Atlantic lithosphere: New constraints from magnetic anomaly inversion with a fractal magnetization model Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 14: 5078-5105. DOI: 10.1002/2013Gc004896  0.382
2012 Li CF, Wang P, Franke D, Lin J, Tian J. Unlocking the opening processes of the South China Sea Scientific Drilling. 55-59. DOI: 10.2204/Iodp.Sd.14.07.2012  0.415
2012 Shi H, Li C. Mesozoic and early Cenozoic tectonic convergence-to-rifting transition prior to opening of the South China Sea International Geology Review. 54: 1801-1828. DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2012.677136  0.502
2012 Li C, Wang J, Zhou Z, Geng J, Chen B, Yang F, Wu J, Yu P, Zhang X, Zhang S. 3D geophysical characterization of the Sulu–Dabie orogen and its environs Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 192: 35-53. DOI: 10.1016/J.Pepi.2012.01.003  0.446
2012 Li C, Song T. Magnetic recording of the Cenozoic oceanic crustal accretion and evolution of the South China Sea basin Chinese Science Bulletin. 57: 3165-3181. DOI: 10.1007/S11434-012-5063-9  0.408
2011 Yamaguchi A, Sakaguchi A, Sakamoto T, Iijima K, Kameda J, Kimura G, Ujiie K, Chester FM, Fabbri O, Goldsby D, Tsutsumi A, Li C, Curewitz D. Progressive illitization in fault gouge caused by seismic slip propagation along a megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough Geology. 39: 995-998. DOI: 10.1130/G32038.1  0.394
2011 Sakaguchi A, Chester F, Curewitz D, Fabbri O, Goldsby D, Kimura G, Li C, Masaki Y, Screaton EJ, Tsutsumi A, Ujiie K, Yamaguchi A. Seismic slip propagation to the updip end of plate boundary subduction interface faults: Vitrinite reflectance geothermometry on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program NanTro SEIZE cores Geology. 39: 395-398. DOI: 10.1130/G31642.1  0.449
2011 Li C. An integrated geodynamic model of the Nankai subduction zone and neighboring regions from geophysical inversion and modeling Journal of Geodynamics. 51: 64-80. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jog.2010.08.003  0.47
2010 Li C, Shi X, Zhou Z, Li J, Geng J, Chen B. Depths to the magnetic layer bottom in the South China Sea area and their tectonic implications Geophysical Journal International. 182: 1229-1247. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-246X.2010.04702.X  0.356
2009 Li C, Zhou Z, Ge H, Mao Y. Rifting process of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin Tectonophysics. 472: 135-147. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tecto.2008.04.026  0.436
2009 Li C, Chen B, Zhou Z. Deep crustal structures of eastern China and adjacent seas revealed by magnetic data Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences. 52: 984-993. DOI: 10.1007/S11430-009-0096-X  0.531
2008 Li CF, Liner C. Wavelet-based detection of singularities in acoustic impedances from surface seismic reflection data Geophysics. 73. DOI: 10.1190/1.2795396  0.62
2008 Li C, Zhou Z, Hao H, Chen H, Wang J, Chen B, Wu J. Late Mesozoic tectonic structure and evolution along the present-day northeastern South China Sea continental margin Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 31: 546-561. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jseaes.2007.09.004  0.525
2008 Li C, Zhou Z, Li J, Chen B, Geng J. Magnetic zoning and seismic structure of the South China Sea ocean basin Marine Geophysical Researches. 29: 223-238. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-008-9059-4  0.49
2007 Li C, Zhou Z, Ge H, Mao Y. Correlations between Erosions and Relative Uplifts from the Central Inversion Zone of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 18: 757-776. DOI: 10.3319/Tao.2007.18.4.757(Tt)  0.426
2007 Li C, Zhou Z, Li J, Hao H, Geng J. Structures of the northeasternmost South China Sea continental margin and ocean basin: geophysical constraints and tectonic implications Marine Geophysical Researches. 28: 59-79. DOI: 10.1007/S11001-007-9014-9  0.509
2004 Liner C, Li CF, Gersztenkorn A, Smythe J. SPICE: A new general seismic attribute Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. 23: 433-436. DOI: 10.1190/1.1845256  0.629
2004 Li C. Information passage from acoustic impedance to seismogram: Perspectives from wavelet‐based multiscale analysis Journal of Geophysical Research. 109. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jb002883  0.401
1995 Li C. Forearc structures and tectonics in the southern Peru-northern Chile Continental Margin Marine Geophysical Researches. 17: 97-113. DOI: 10.1007/BF01268052  0.374
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