Damon E. Turney, Ph.D. - Publications

2009 Environmental Science & Management University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Environmental Engineering, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences

31 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Cho J, Turney DE, Yadav GG, Nyce M, Wygant BR, Lambert TN, Banerjee S. Use of Hydrogel Electrolyte in Zn-MnO Rechargeable Batteries: Characterization of Safety, Performance, and Cu Ion Diffusion. Polymers. 16. PMID 38475339 DOI: 10.3390/polym16050658  0.583
2022 Yadav GG, Weiner M, Upreti A, Huang J, Lambert TN, Arnot DJ, Schorr NB, Bell NS, Turney D, Hawkins B, Wei X, Lim M, Banerjee S. The advent of membrane-less zinc-anode aqueous batteries with lithium battery-like voltage. Materials Horizons. PMID 35642734 DOI: 10.1039/d2mh00280a  0.53
2022 Cho J, Yadav GG, Weiner M, Huang J, Upreti A, Wei X, Yakobov R, Hawkins BE, Nyce M, Lambert TN, Arnot DJ, Bell NS, Schorr NB, Booth MN, Turney DE, et al. Hydroxyl Conducting Hydrogels Enable Low-Maintenance Commercially Sized Rechargeable Zn-MnO Batteries for Use in Solar Microgrids. Polymers. 14. PMID 35160407 DOI: 10.3390/polym14030417  0.583
2020 Xu JH, Jadhav AL, Turney DE, Messinger RJ. Molecular-Level Environments of Intercalated Chloroaluminate Anions in Rechargeable Aluminum-Graphite Batteries Revealed by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Journal of Materials Chemistry. 8: 16006-16017. DOI: 10.1039/D0Ta02611E  0.338
2020 Kalaga DV, Ansari M, Turney DE, Hernandez-Alvarado F, Kleinbart S, ArunKumar K, Joshi JB, Banerjee S, Kawaji M. Scale-up of a downflow bubble column: Experimental investigations Chemical Engineering Journal. 386: 121447. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cej.2019.04.027  0.559
2019 Yadav GG, Turney D, Huang J, Wei X, Banerjee S. Breaking the 2 V Barrier in Aqueous Zinc Chemistry: Creating 2.45 and 2.8 V MnO2–Zn Aqueous Batteries Acs Energy Letters. 4: 2144-2146. DOI: 10.1021/Acsenergylett.9B01643  0.586
2019 Yadav GG, Cho J, Turney D, Hawkins B, Wei X, Huang J, Banerjee S, Nyce M. Going beyond Intercalation Capacity of Aqueous Batteries by Exploiting Conversion Reactions of Mn and Zn electrodes for Energy‐Dense Applications Advanced Energy Materials. 9: 1902270. DOI: 10.1002/Aenm.201902270  0.57
2018 Ansari M, Turney DE, Kalaga DV, Yakobov R, Banerjee S, Joshi JB. A Micro-Jet Array for Economic Intensification of Gas Transfer in Bioreactors. Biotechnology Progress. PMID 30295002 DOI: 10.1002/Btpr.2710  0.575
2018 Gallaway JW, Yadav GG, Turney DE, Nyce M, Huang J, Chen-Wiegart YK, Williams G, Thieme J, Okasinski JS, Wei X, Banerjee S. An Operando Study of the Initial Discharge of Bi and Bi/Cu Modified MnO2 Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 165: A2935-A2947. DOI: 10.1149/2.0221813Jes  0.541
2018 Turney DE, Gallaway JW, Yadav GG, Ramirez R, Nyce M, Banerjee S, Chen-Wiegart YK, Wang J, D’Ambrose MJ, Kolhekar S, Huang J, Wei X. Correction to Rechargeable Zinc Alkaline Anodes for Long-Cycle Energy Storage Chemistry of Materials. 30: 1442-1442. DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Chemmater.8B00451  0.56
2018 Yadav GG, Wei X, Huang J, Turney D, Nyce M, Banerjee S. Accessing the second electron capacity of MnO2 by exploring complexation and intercalation reactions in energy dense alkaline batteries International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 43: 8480-8487. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijhydene.2018.03.061  0.583
2018 Turney DE, Kalaga DV, Ansari M, Yakobov R, Joshi J. Reform of the drift-flux model of multiphase flow in pipes, wellbores, and reactor vessels Chemical Engineering Science. 184: 251-258. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ces.2018.03.033  0.316
2018 Ansari M, Turney DE, Yakobov R, Banerjee S, Joshi JB. Hydrodynamics under the jet-array of a downflow microbubble column: Performance intensification Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification. 130: 326-331. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cep.2018.06.023  0.562
2018 Ansari M, Bokhari HH, Turney DE. Energy efficiency and performance of bubble generating systems Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification. 125: 44-55. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cep.2017.12.019  0.371
2018 L.C. M, Kalaga DV, Sathe M, Turney DE, Griffin D, Li X, Kawaji M, Nandakumar K, Joshi J. Experimental study and CFD simulation of the multiphase flow conditions encountered in a Novel Down-flow bubble column Chemical Engineering Journal. 350: 507-522. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cej.2018.04.211  0.348
2017 Yadav GG, Gallaway JW, Turney DE, Nyce M, Huang J, Wei X, Banerjee S. Regenerable Cu-intercalated MnO2 layered cathode for highly cyclable energy dense batteries. Nature Communications. 8: 14424. PMID 28262697 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms14424  0.599
2017 Yadav GG, Wei X, Huang J, Gallaway JW, Turney DE, Nyce M, Secor J, Banerjee S. A conversion-based highly energy dense Cu2+ intercalated Bi-birnessite/Zn alkaline battery Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 5: 15845-15854. DOI: 10.1039/C7Ta05347A  0.582
2017 Turney DE, Gallaway JW, Yadav GG, Ramirez R, Nyce M, Banerjee S, Chen-Wiegart YK, Wang J, D’Ambrose MJ, Kolhekar S, Huang J, Wei X. Rechargeable Zinc Alkaline Anodes for Long-Cycle Energy Storage Chemistry of Materials. 29: 4819-4832. DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Chemmater.7B00754  0.586
2017 Hernandez-Alvarado F, Kalaga DV, Turney D, Banerjee S, Joshi JB, Kawaji M. Void fraction, bubble size and interfacial area measurements in co-current downflow bubble column reactor with microbubble dispersion Chemical Engineering Science. 168: 403-413. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ces.2017.05.006  0.558
2017 Ansari M, Turney DE, Yakobov R, Kalaga DV, Kleinbart S, Banerjee S, Joshi JB. Chemical hydrodynamics of a downward microbubble flow for intensification of gas-fed bioreactors Aiche Journal. 64: 1399-1411. DOI: 10.1002/Aic.16002  0.591
2016 Gallaway JW, Hertzberg BJ, Zhong Z, Croft M, Turney DE, Yadav GG, Steingart DA, Erdonmez CK, Banerjee S. Operando identification of the point of [Mn2]O4 spinel formation during γ-MnO2 discharge within batteries Journal of Power Sources. 321: 135-142. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpowsour.2016.05.002  0.574
2016 Wei X, Desai D, Yadav GG, Turney DE, Couzis A, Banerjee S. Impact of anode substrates on electrodeposited zinc over cycling in zinc-anode rechargeable alkaline batteries Electrochimica Acta. 212: 603-613. DOI: 10.1016/J.Electacta.2016.07.041  0.578
2015 Spanos C, Turney DE, Fthenakis V. Life-cycle analysis of flow-assisted nickel zinc-, manganese dioxide-, and valve-regulated lead-acid batteries designed for demand-charge reduction Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 43: 478-494. DOI: 10.1016/J.Rser.2014.10.072  0.409
2014 Gallaway JW, Menard M, Hertzberg B, Zhong Z, Croft M, Sviridov LA, Turney DE, Banerjee S, Steingart DA, Erdonmez CK. Hetaerolite profiles in alkaline batteries measured by high energy EDXRD Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 162: A162-A168. DOI: 10.1149/2.0811501Jes  0.534
2014 Gallaway JW, Erdonmez CK, Zhong Z, Croft M, Sviridov LA, Sholklapper TZ, Turney DE, Banerjee S, Steingart DA. Real-time materials evolution visualized within intact cycling alkaline batteries Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2: 2757-2764. DOI: 10.1039/C3Ta15169G  0.579
2014 Desai D, Turney DE, Anantharaman B, Steingart DA, Banerjee S. Morphological evolution of nanocluster aggregates and single crystals in alkaline zinc electrodeposition Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118: 8656-8666. DOI: 10.1021/Jp411104A  0.5
2014 Turney DE, Shmukler M, Galloway K, Klein M, Ito Y, Sholklapper T, Gallaway JW, Nyce M, Banerjee S. Development and testing of an economic grid-scale flow-assisted zinc/nickel-hydroxide alkaline battery Journal of Power Sources. 264: 49-58. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpowsour.2014.04.067  0.585
2013 Turney DE, Banerjee S. Air–water gas transfer and near-surface motions Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 733: 588-624. DOI: 10.1017/Jfm.2013.435  0.554
2009 Turney DE, Anderer A, Banerjee S. A method for three-dimensional interfacial particle image velocimetry (3D-IPIV) of an air–water interface Measurement Science and Technology. 20: 045403. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/20/4/045403  0.519
2008 Turney D, Banerjee S. Transport phenomena at interfaces between turbulent fluids Aiche Journal. 54: 344-349. DOI: 10.1002/Aic.11427  0.48
2005 Turney DE, Smith WC, Banerjee S. A measure of near-surface fluid motions that predicts air-water gas transfer in a wide range conditions Geophysical Research Letters. 32: 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2004Gl021671  0.546
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