Chalmers M. Butler - Publications

Electrical & Computer Engineering Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering

28 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2010 Schreiber AW, Butler CM. Enhancement of Efficiency of Integral Equation Solutions of Antennas by Incorporation of Network Principles – Part II Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 58: 2301-2308. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2010.2048875  0.733
2006 Bopp CL, Butler CM. Analysis Of Transmission Of A Signal Through A Complex Cylindrical/Coaxial Cavity By Transmission Line Methods Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier. 56: 33-51. DOI: 10.2528/Pier05041403  0.593
2006 Ozzaim C, Butler CM. Dipole field penetration and coupling to a load terminating a coax-fed body of revolution Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility. 48: 145-152. DOI: 10.1109/Temc.2005.861374  0.511
2006 Lockard MD, Butler CM. Effects of cavities on monopole antenna current distribution and decoupling from mounting structure Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 54: 2234-2243. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2006.877177  0.455
2006 Lockard MD, Butler CM. Feed models for coax-driven monopole and dipole antennas Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 54: 867-877. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2006.869937  0.54
2006 Lockard MD, Butler CM. Penetration through a slot in a conducting plane backed by a conducting‐walled channel: Transverse magnetic case Radio Science. 41. DOI: 10.1029/2005Rs003437  0.519
2005 Erricolo D, Lockard MD, Butler CM, Uslenghi PLE. Numerical analysis of penetration, radiation, and scattering for a 2D slotted semielliptical channel filled with isorefractive material Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 53: 69-89. DOI: 10.2528/Pier04081002  0.469
2005 Young JC, Butler CM, Harrison MG. Transmission through axisymmetric, cascaded cylindrical cavities coupled by apertures - part I: structures with coaxial and circular-cylindrical cross-sections Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility. 47: 406-416. DOI: 10.1109/Temc.2005.850687  0.567
2005 Young JC, Butler CM. Transmission through axisymmetric, cascaded cylindrical cavities coupled by apertures - Part II: Structures with varying cross-sections Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility. 47: 417-423. DOI: 10.1109/Temc.2005.850686  0.592
2005 Young JC, Butler CM. An efficient method for the analysis of a structure comprising an appendage attached to a planar surface of a conducting body Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 53: 2985-2994. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2005.854547  0.495
2005 Erricolo D, Lockard MD, Butler CM, Uslenghi PLE. Currents on conducting surfaces of a semielliptical-channel-backed slotted screen in an isorefractive environment Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 53: 2350-2356. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2005.848517  0.499
2004 Ozzaim C, Butler CM. Penetration By A Laser-Light Induced Field And Coupling To A Monopole Attached On Axis To A Body Of Revolution Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier. 45: 217-241. DOI: 10.2528/Pier03072201  0.434
2004 Pisano FA, Butler CM. Methods for modeling wire antennas loaded with shielded networks Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 52: 961-968. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2004.825629  0.367
2004 Bopp CL, Butler CM. Field in a complex cylindrical/coaxial cavity subject to time‐harmonic and transient excitation Radio Science. 39. DOI: 10.1029/2003Rs002998  0.598
2002 Rogers SD, Butler CM. Wide-band sleeve-cage and sleeve-helical antennas Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 50: 1409-1414. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2002.802168  0.646
2002 Young JC, Butler CM. Inductance of a coil in a slotted shield Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 50: 475-484. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2002.1003383  0.513
1997 Martin AQ, Butler CM. Corroboration of the Analysis of an Axially-Directed Antenna Exciting a Conducting Tube Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 11: 821-852. DOI: 10.1163/156939397X00972  0.396
1995 Wieting TJ, Andreadis TD, Kidd JM, Quade W, Namenson AI, Libello LF, Schleisiger CD, Butler CM. Electromagnetic field investigations inside a hollow cylinder Compel - the International Journal For Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 14: 223-227. DOI: 10.1108/Eb051946  0.449
1994 Butler CM, Martin AQ, Michalski KA. Analysis of a cylindrical antenna in a circular aperture in a screen Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 8: 149-173. DOI: 10.1163/156939394X00010  0.422
1993 Martin AQ, Butler CM. Analysis of an Axially-Directed Antenna Exciting an Infinite Conducting Tube Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 7: 1033-1056. DOI: 10.1163/156939393X00958  0.427
1991 Butler CM. Vector potential Green's function for a radially directed line dipole in open space Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 4: 430-433. DOI: 10.1002/Mop.4650041105  0.343
1990 Xu X-, Butler CM. Scattering of TE Excitation by Partially Buried and Coupled Strips near a Planar Media Interface Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 4: 727-742. DOI: 10.1163/156939390X00230  0.534
1990 Butler CM, Xu X-. TE scattering by partially buried and coupled cylinders at the interface between two media Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 38: 1829-1834. DOI: 10.1109/8.102746  0.415
1990 Zu X-, Butler CM. Current induced by TE excitation on coupled and partially buried cylinders at the interface between two media Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 38: 1823-1828. DOI: 10.1109/8.102745  0.486
1985 Butler CM. General Solutions of the Narrow Strip (and Slot) Integral Equations Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 33: 1085-1090. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.1985.1143500  0.49
1984 Wilton DR, Rao SM, Glisson AW, Schaubert DH, Al-Bundak OM, Butler CM. Potential Integrals for Uniform and Linear Source Distributions on Polygonal and Polyhedral Domains Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 32: 276-281. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.1984.1143304  0.376
1983 Michalski KA, Butler CM. Determination of current induced on a conducting strip embedded in a dielectric slab Radio Science. 18: 1195-1206. DOI: 10.1029/Rs018I006P01195  0.475
1976 Butler CM, Umashankar KR. Electromagnetic penetration through an aperture in an infinite, planar screen separating two half spaces of different electromagnetic properties Radio Science. 11: 611-619. DOI: 10.1029/Rs011I007P00611  0.412
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