Year |
Citation |
Score |
2019 |
Downer MC, Wagner R, Chen S, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Temporal Characterization of a Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield. Physical Review Letters. 77: 5381-5384. PMID 10062789 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.77.5381 |
0.339 |
2018 |
Golovin G, Yan W, Luo J, Fruhling C, Haden D, Zhao B, Liu C, Chen M, Chen S, Zhang P, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. Electron Trapping from Interactions between Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasma Waves. Physical Review Letters. 121: 104801. PMID 30240250 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.121.104801 |
0.419 |
2018 |
Zhao B, Banerjee S, Yan W, Zhang P, Zhang J, Golovin G, Liu C, Fruhling C, Haden D, Chen S, Umstadter DP. Control over high peak-power laser light and laser-driven X-rays Optics Communications. 412: 141-145. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2017.11.079 |
0.488 |
2017 |
Rakowski R, Golovin G, O'Neal J, Zhang J, Zhang P, Zhao B, Wilson MD, Veale MC, Seller P, Chen S, Banerjee S, Umstadter D, Fuchs M. Single-shot structural analysis by high-energy X-ray diffraction using an ultrashort all-optical source. Scientific Reports. 7: 16603. PMID 29192189 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-16477-0 |
0.397 |
2017 |
Yan W, Fruhling C, Golovin G, Haden D, Luo J, Zhang P, Zhao B, Zhang J, Liu C, Chen M, Chen S, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. High-order multiphoton Thomson scattering Nature Photonics. 11: 514-520. DOI: 10.1038/Nphoton.2017.100 |
0.47 |
2016 |
Golovin G, Banerjee S, Liu C, Chen S, Zhang J, Zhao B, Zhang P, Veale M, Wilson M, Seller P, Umstadter D. Intrinsic beam emittance of laser-accelerated electrons measured by x-ray spectroscopic imaging. Scientific Reports. 6: 24622. PMID 27090440 DOI: 10.1038/Srep24622 |
0.509 |
2016 |
Zhao B, Yan W, Zhang P, Banerjee S, Golovin G, Haden D, Zhang J, Liu C, Chen S, Umstadter DP. A System to Control the Energy of a High-power Laser System with Application to X-ray Generation at Ultra-high Intensity Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2016.Jw4A.97 |
0.473 |
2016 |
Golovin G, Banerjee S, Liu C, Chen S, Zhang J, Zhao B, Zhang P, Veale M, Wilson M, Seller P, Umstadter DP. Measuring ultralow emittance of laser-driven electron beams with spectroscopic imaging of inverse-Compton scattered x-rays Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2016.Ftu1C.3 |
0.467 |
2016 |
Yan W, Golovin G, Fruhling C, Haden D, Zhang P, Zhang J, Zhao B, Liu C, Chen S, Banerjee S, Umstadter DP. Experimental observation of multiphoton Thomson scattering Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2016.Ftu1C.2 |
0.441 |
2016 |
Haden D, Chen S, Zhao B, Zhang P, Golovin G, Yan W, Fruhling C, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. High-resolution radiography of thick steel objects using an all-laser-driven MeV-energy x-ray source Proceedings of Spie. 9964. DOI: 10.1117/12.2241606 |
0.383 |
2016 |
Chen S, Golovin G, Miller C, Haden D, Banerjee S, Zhang P, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhao B, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter D. Shielded radiography with a laser-driven MeV-energy X-ray source Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 366: 217-223. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nimb.2015.11.007 |
0.442 |
2016 |
Golovin G, Banerjee S, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Yan W, Zhang J, Zhang P, Zhao B, Umstadter D. Control and optimization of a staged laser-wakefield accelerator Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 830: 375-380. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nima.2016.06.022 |
0.436 |
2015 |
Banerjee S, Golovin G, Zhang P, Haden D, Chen S, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhao B, Brown K, Mills JB, Petersen C, Umstadter D. Photonuclear and radiography applications of narrowband, multi-MeV all-optical Thomson X-ray source Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9515. DOI: 10.1117/12.2183401 |
0.472 |
2015 |
Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Independent control of laser wakefield-accelerated electron-beam parameters Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9514. DOI: 10.1117/12.2182707 |
0.446 |
2015 |
Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Tunable monoenergetic electron beams from independently controllable laser-wakefield acceleration and injection Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 18. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.18.011301 |
0.469 |
2015 |
Banerjee S, Chen S, Powers N, Haden D, Liu C, Golovin G, Zhang J, Zhao B, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Silano J, Karwowski H, Umstadter D. Compact source of narrowband and tunable X-rays for radiography Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 350: 106-111. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nimb.2015.01.015 |
0.42 |
2014 |
Zhao B, Zhang J, Chen S, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Brown K, Mills J, Petersen C, Umstadter D. Wavefront-correction for nearly diffraction-limited focusing of dual-color laser beams to high intensities. Optics Express. 22: 26947-55. PMID 25401844 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.22.026947 |
0.477 |
2014 |
Liu C, Golovin G, Chen S, Zhang J, Zhao B, Haden D, Banerjee S, Silano J, Karwowski H, Umstadter D. Generation of 9 MeV γ-rays by all-laser-driven Compton scattering with second-harmonic laser light. Optics Letters. 39: 4132-5. PMID 25121669 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.39.004132 |
0.56 |
2014 |
Liu C, Zhang J, Chen S, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhao B, Powers N, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Adaptive-feedback spectral-phase control for interactions with transform-limited ultrashort high-power laser pulses. Optics Letters. 39: 80-3. PMID 24365827 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.39.000080 |
0.483 |
2014 |
Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Golovin G, Liu C, Chen S, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Umstadter DP. Quasi-monoenergetic and tunable X-rays from a laser-driven Compton light source Nature Photonics. 8: 28-31. DOI: 10.1038/Nphoton.2013.314 |
0.516 |
2013 |
Chen S, Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. MeV-energy x rays from inverse compton scattering with laser-wakefield accelerated electrons. Physical Review Letters. 110: 155003. PMID 25167278 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.110.155003 |
0.513 |
2013 |
Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Chen S, Brown K, Mills J, Powers N, Zhao B, Golovin G, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Repetitive petawatt-class laser with near-diffraction-limited focal spot and transform-limited pulse duration Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8599. DOI: 10.1117/12.2005008 |
0.53 |
2013 |
Banerjee S, Kalmykov SY, Powers ND, Golovin G, Ramanathan V, Cunningham NJ, Brown KJ, Chen S, Ghebregziabher I, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP, Cowan BM, Bruhwiler DL, Beck A, Lefebvre E. Stable, tunable, quasimonoenergetic electron beams produced in a laser wakefield near the threshold for self-injection Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 16. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.16.031302 |
0.532 |
2012 |
Powers ND, Chen S, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. Characterizaition of wakefield accelerated electron beams by a spatial cross-correlation technique Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2012. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2012.Fth1B.5 |
0.394 |
2012 |
Ghebregziabher I, Chen S, Powers ND, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. Bright γ-ray beam source based on laser wakefield accelerator and laser undulator Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2012. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2012.Fth1B.3 |
0.486 |
2012 |
Pertot Y, Chen S, Khan SD, Bom LBE, Ozaki T, Chang Z. Generation of continuum high-order harmonics from carbon plasma using double optical gating Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 45: 074017. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/45/7/074017 |
0.333 |
2012 |
Banerjee S, Powers ND, Ramanathan V, Ghebregziabher I, Brown KJ, Maharjan CM, Chen S, Beck A, Lefebvre E, Kalmykov SY, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP. Generation of tunable, 100-800 MeV quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator in the blowout regime Physics of Plasmas. 19. DOI: 10.1063/1.4718711 |
0.513 |
2011 |
Bian Q, Chen S, Kim BT, Leventis N, Lu H, Chang Z, Lei S. Micromachining of polyurea aerogel using femtosecond laser pulses Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 357: 186-193. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jnoncrysol.2010.09.037 |
0.472 |
2010 |
Wang H, Chini M, Chen S, Zhang CH, He F, Cheng Y, Wu Y, Thumm U, Chang Z. Attosecond time-resolved autoionization of argon. Physical Review Letters. 105: 143002. PMID 21230828 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.105.143002 |
0.456 |
2010 |
Singh KP, He F, Ranitovic P, Cao W, De S, Ray D, Chen S, Thumm U, Becker A, Murnane MM, Kapteyn HC, Litvinyuk IV, Cocke CL. Control of electron localization in deuterium molecular ions using an attosecond pulse train and a many-cycle infrared pulse. Physical Review Letters. 104: 023001. PMID 20366590 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.104.023001 |
0.385 |
2010 |
Cao W, De S, Singh KP, Chen S, Schöffler MS, Alnaser AS, Bocharova IA, Laurent G, Ray D, Zherebtsov S, Kling MF, Ben-Itzhak I, Litvinyuk IV, Belkacem A, Osipov T, et al. Dynamic modification of the fragmentation of COq+ excited states generated with high-order harmonics Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 82. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.82.043410 |
0.304 |
2009 |
Chini M, Mashiko H, Wang H, Chen S, Yun C, Scott S, Gilbertson S, Chang Z. Delay control in attosecond pump-probe experiments. Optics Express. 17: 21459-64. PMID 19997386 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.17.021459 |
0.364 |
2009 |
Mashiko H, Gilbertson S, Chini M, Feng X, Yun C, Wang H, Khan SD, Chen S, Chang Z. Extreme ultraviolet supercontinua supporting pulse durations of less than one atomic unit of time. Optics Letters. 34: 3337-9. PMID 19881586 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.34.003337 |
0.431 |
2009 |
Chen S, Chini M, Wang H, Yun C, Mashiko H, Wu Y, Chang Z. Carrier-envelope phase stabilization and control of 1 kHz, 6 mJ, 30 fs laser pulses from a Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier. Applied Optics. 48: 5692-5. PMID 19844302 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.48.005692 |
0.465 |
2009 |
Yun C, Chen S, Wang H, Chini M, Chang Z. Temperature feedback control for long-term carrier-envelope phase locking. Applied Optics. 48: 5127-30. PMID 19767929 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.48.005127 |
0.337 |
2009 |
Wang H, Chini M, Khan SD, Chen S, Gilbertson S, Feng X, Mashiko H, Chang Z. Practical issues of retrieving isolated attosecond pulses Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 42. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/42/13/134007 |
0.492 |
2009 |
Chini M, Wang H, Khan SD, Chen S, Chang Z. Retrieval of satellite pulses of single isolated attosecond pulses Applied Physics Letters. 94: 161112. DOI: 10.1063/1.3125247 |
0.432 |
2006 |
Chen S, Rever M, Zhang P, Theobald W, Umstadter D. Observation of relativistic cross-phase modulation in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 74. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.74.046406 |
0.455 |
2003 |
Zhang P, Saleh N, Chen S, Sheng ZM, Umstadter DP. Laser-energy transfer and enhancement of plasma waves and electron beams by interfering high-intensity laser pulses. Physical Review Letters. 91: 225001. PMID 14683245 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.91.225001 |
0.534 |
2003 |
Zhang P, Saleh N, Chen S, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. An optical trap for relativistic plasma Physics of Plasmas. 10: 2093-2099. DOI: 10.1063/1.1566033 |
0.416 |
2000 |
Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Esarey E, Umstadter D. Observation of phase-matched relativistic harmonic generation Physical Review Letters. 84: 5528-5531. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.84.5528 |
0.464 |
2000 |
Umstadter D, Chen SY, Ma G, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Nantel M, Pikuz S, Sarkisov G, Wagner R. Dense and relativistic plasmas produced by compact high-intensity lasers Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 127: 513-518. DOI: 10.1086/313340 |
0.433 |
2000 |
Chen S, Krishnan M, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter DP. Excitation and damping of a self-modulated laser wakefield Physics of Plasmas. 7: 403-413. DOI: 10.1063/1.873809 |
0.442 |
1999 |
Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Novikov VN, Tikhonchuk VT, Maksimchuk A, Chen SY, Wagner R, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 59: 7042-7054. PMID 11969693 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.59.7042 |
0.465 |
1999 |
Chen S, Krishnan M, Maksimchuk A, Wagner R, Umstadter DP. Detailed dynamics of electron beams self-trapped and accelerated in a self-modulated laser wakefield Physics of Plasmas. 6: 4739-4749. DOI: 10.1063/1.873761 |
0.449 |
1998 |
Chen S, Sarkisov GS, Maksimchuk A, Wagner R, Umstadter DP. Evolution of a Plasma Waveguide Created during Relativistic-Ponderomotive Self-Channeling of an Intense Laser Pulse Physical Review Letters. 80: 2610-2613. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.80.2610 |
0.43 |
1997 |
Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Tikhonchuk VT, Maksimchuk A, Chen SY, Wagner R, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Observation of the plasma channel dynamics and Coulomb explosion in the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a He gas jet Jetp Letters. 66: 828-834. DOI: 10.1134/1.567605 |
0.488 |
1997 |
Wagner R, Chen S, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter DP. Electron Acceleration by a Laser Wakefield in a Relativistically Self-Guided Channel Physical Review Letters. 78: 3125-3128. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.78.3125 |
0.489 |
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