James Hillier - Publications

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 

28 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
1964 Hillier J. New perspectives for consumer electronics Ieee Transactions On Broadcast and Television Receivers. 3: 5-7. DOI: 10.1109/Tbtr1.1964.6312070  0.441
1953 HILLIER J, HOFFMAN JF. On the ultrastructure of the plasma membrane as determined by the electron microscope. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 42: 203-47. PMID 13096528 DOI: 10.1002/Jcp.1030420205  0.412
1953 CHAPMAN GB, HILLIER J. Electron microscopy of ultra-thin sections of bacteria I. Cellular division in Bacillus cereus. Journal of Bacteriology. 66: 362-73. PMID 13096487 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.66.3.362-373.1953  0.613
1953 HARTMAN PE, MUDD S, HILLIER J, BEUTNER EH. Light and electron microscopic studies of Escherichia coli-coliphage interactions. III. Persistence of mitochrondria and reductase activity during infection of Escherichia coli B with T2 phage. Journal of Bacteriology. 65: 706-14. PMID 13069444 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.65.6.706-714.1953  0.405
1953 MUDD S, HILLIER J, BEUTNER EH, HARTMAN PE. Light and electron microscopic studies of Escherichia coli-coliphage interactions. II. The electron microscopic cytology of the E. coli B-T2 system. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 10: 153-79. PMID 13041726 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3002(53)90224-8  0.464
1953 BEUTNER EH, HARTMAN PE, MUDD S, HILLIER J. Light and electron microscopic studies of Escherichia coli-coliphage interactions. I. Preparative method; comparative light and electron microscopic cytology of the E. coli B-T2 system. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 10: 143-52. PMID 13041725 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3002(53)90223-6  0.385
1951 CHAPMAN G, HILLIER J, JOHNSON FH. Observations on the bacteriophagy of Erwinia carotovora. Journal of Bacteriology. 61: 261-8. PMID 14824108 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.61.3.261-268.1951  0.43
1951 HILLIER J. SECTION OF BIOLOGY*: ULTRA-THIN SECTIONS FOR THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF TISSUES† Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 13: 128-130. DOI: 10.1111/J.2164-0947.1951.TB01006.X  0.387
1950 HILLIER J. Electron microscopy of microorganisms and viruses. Annual Review of Microbiology. 4: 1-20. PMID 14847560 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.mi.04.100150.000245  0.498
1950 HILLIER J, MUDD S, SMITH AG, BEUTNER EH. The "fixation" of electron microscopic specimens by the electron beam. Journal of Bacteriology. 60: 641-54. PMID 14794631 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.60.5.641-654.1950  0.529
1950 MUDD S, SMITH AG, HILLIER J, BEUTNER EH. Electron and light microscopic studies of bacterial nuclei. III. The nuclear sites in metal-shadowed cells of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology. 60: 635-9. PMID 14794630 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.60.5.635-639.1950  0.417
1950 HILLIER J, GETTNER ME. Sectioning of tissue for electron microscopy. Science (New York, N.Y.). 112: 520-3. PMID 14787452  0.415
1950 KNAYSI G, HILLIER J, FABRICANT C. The cytology of an avian strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis studied with the electron and light microscopes. Journal of Bacteriology. 60: 423-47. PMID 14784470 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.60.4.423-447.1950  0.41
1949 Hillier J, Mudd S, Smith AG. INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND NUCLEI IN CELLS OF ESCHERICHIA COLI AS SHOWN BY IMPROVED ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES. Journal of Bacteriology. 57: 319-38. PMID 16561681 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.57.3.319-338.1949  0.455
1949 Hillier J. SOME REMARKS ON THE IMAGE CONTRAST IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND THE TWO-COMPONENT OBJECTIVE. Journal of Bacteriology. 57: 313-7. PMID 16561680 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.57.3.313-317.1949  0.449
1948 HILLIER J, MUDD S, SMITH AG. Observations with improved electron microscopic technics on the internal structure of Escherichia coli cells and the generation of coliphage. The American Journal of Pathology. 24: 715. PMID 18859398  0.42
1948 Smith WE, Mudd S, Hillier J. L-Type Variation and Bacterial Reproduction by Large Bodies as Seen in Electron Micrographic Studies of Bacteroides funduliformis. Journal of Bacteriology. 56: 603-18. PMID 16561611 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.56.5.603-618.1948  0.432
1948 Smith WE, Hillier J, Mudd S. Electron Micrograph Studies of Two Strains of Pleuropneumonia-like (L) Organisms of Human Derivation. Journal of Bacteriology. 56: 589-601. PMID 16561610 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.56.5.589-601.1948  0.389
1948 Hillier J, Knaysi G, Baker RF. New Preparation Techniques for the Electron Microscopy of Bacteria. Journal of Bacteriology. 56: 569-76. PMID 16561607 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.56.5.569-576.1948  0.503
1947 HILLIER J, BAKER RF, KNAYSI G. A study, with the high-voltage electron microscope, of the endospore and life cycle of Bacillus mycoides. Journal of Bacteriology. 54: 5. PMID 20255101  0.348
1947 Knaysi G, Baker RF, Hillier J. A Study, with the High-Voltage Electron Microscope, of the Endospore and Life Cycle of Bacillus mycoides. Journal of Bacteriology. 53: 525-37. PMID 16561305  0.348
1946 SMITH WE, HILLIER J, MUDD S. Electron microscope studies of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group. Journal of Bacteriology. 51: 583. PMID 21064696  0.392
1946 BOYLE PE, HILLIER J, DAVIDSON NR. Preliminary observations of the enamel of human and guinea pig teeth using the electron microscope. Journal of Dental Research. 25: 156. PMID 20988350  0.452
1946 Hillier J, Baker RF. The Mounting of Bacteria for Electron Microscope Examination. Journal of Bacteriology. 52: 411-6. PMID 16561193 DOI: 10.1128/Jb.52.4.411-416.1946  0.583
1945 ZWORYKIN VK, HILLIER J. Electron microscopy. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association. 6: 384-8. PMID 21005081  0.541
1943 Hillier J. On microanalysis by electrons Physical Review. 64: 318-319. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.64.318  0.586
1942 Hillier J, Baker RF. The observation of crystalline reflections in electron microscope images [3] Physical Review. 61: 722-723. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.61.722  0.496
1940 Burton EF, Hillier J, Prebus A. THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE TO MEDICINE (I. ): The Electron Microscope Described. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 42: 116-9. PMID 20321604  0.628
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