Lee Lawrence Huntsman

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Lee Lawrence Huntsman"


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Abraham Noordergraaf grad student 1969 Penn
 (Control of peripheral vascular resistance; experimental and theoretical studies.)
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Ramon C, Czapski P, Haueisen J, et al. (1998) MCG simulations with a realistic heart-torso model. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 45: 1323-31
Hancock WO, Huntsman LL, Gordon AM. (1997) Models of calcium activation account for differences between skeletal and cardiac force redevelopment kinetics. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility. 18: 671-81
Czapski P, Ramon C, Huntsman LL, et al. (1996) Effects of tissue conductivity variations on the cardiac magnetic fields simulated with a realistic heart-torso model. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 41: 1247-63
Hancock WO, Martyn DA, Huntsman LL, et al. (1996) Influence of Ca2+ on force redevelopment kinetics in skinned rat myocardium. Biophysical Journal. 70: 2819-29
Martyn DA, Chase PB, Hannon JD, et al. (1994) Unloaded shortening of skinned muscle fibers from rabbit activated with and without Ca2+. Biophysical Journal. 67: 1984-93
Martyn DA, Coby R, Huntsman LL, et al. (1993) Force-calcium relations in skinned twitch and slow-tonic frog muscle fibres have similar sarcomere length dependencies. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility. 14: 65-75
Hancock WO, Martyn DA, Huntsman LL. (1993) Ca2+ and segment length dependence of isometric force kinetics in intact ferret cardiac muscle Circulation Research. 73: 603-611
Hannon JD, Chase PB, Martyn DA, et al. (1993) Calcium-independent activation of skeletal muscle fibers by a modified form of cardiac troponin C. Biophysical Journal. 64: 1632-7
Martyn DA, Rondinone JF, Huntsman LL. (1984) The dependence of force and velocity on calcium and length in cardiac muscle segments Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 170: 821-836
Martyn DA, Rondinone JF, Huntsman LL. (1983) Myocardial segment velocity at a low load: time, length, and calcium dependence. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 244
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