People with institution matching "Duke University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Robert Stephen Balaban (Info) National Insitutes of Health Berkowitz 2016‑09‑11
Dale John Benos (Info) UAB Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology pq 2016‑02‑09
Peter Cala (Info) Duke, UC Davis ion transport jandh 2016‑12‑19
Lewis Ira Greenwald (Info) Duke muddynat 2024‑02‑05
R. Phillips Heine (Info) Duke University School of Medicine mjeffers 2024‑01‑07
Peter W. Hochachka (Info) UBC matthewabirk 2018‑08‑29
Brian K. Kobilka (Info) Stanford Adrenergic receptors jandh 2012‑10‑10
Lazaro Jacobo Mandel (Info) Duke jandh 2016‑12‑18
Arthur Sperry Pearse (Info) UW Madison, Duke Ecology jandh 2018‑02‑02
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (Info) Duke jm 2006‑11‑30
Eugene Anson Stead (Info) Emory, Duke jandh 2024‑02‑27
Daniel Charles Tosteson (Info) Duke, Chicago Medical School, Harvard Medical School, Washington University salt and water homeostasis jandh 2016‑12‑19
Ian P. Trayer (Info) University of Birmingham (UK) KeithSiew 2015‑08‑21
Abraham White (Info) Yale, UCLA, Syntex Corporation, Albert Einstein, Stanford protein hormones of the pituitary jandh 2014‑04‑08
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