Androulla Gilliland

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Androulla Gilliland"
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Singh DP, Moore CA, Gilliland A, et al. (2004) Activation of multiple antiviral defence mechanisms by salicylic acid. Molecular Plant Pathology. 5: 57-63
Murphy AM, Gilliland A, York CJ, et al. (2004) High-level expression of alternative oxidase protein sequences enhances the spread of viral vectors in resistant and susceptible plants. The Journal of General Virology. 85: 3777-86
Gilliland A, Singh DP, Hayward JM, et al. (2003) Genetic modification of alternative respiration has differential effects on antimycin A-induced versus salicylic acid-induced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus. Plant Physiology. 132: 1518-28
Gilliland A, Chambers CE, Bone EJ, et al. (2002) Role of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1 delta endotoxin binding in determining potency during lepidopteran larval development. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68: 1509-15
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