Philip Ethington
Affiliations: | History: Doctor of Philosophy | University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States |
United States History, Black HistoryGoogle:
"Philip Ethington"Cross-listing: Philosophy Tree - History of History Tree
Sign in to add mentorEstelle B. Freedman | grad student | 1989 | Stanford (History of History Tree) | |
("The structures of urban political life: Political culture in San Francisco, 1850-1880") |
Sign in to add traineeMartin D. Meeker | grad student | 2000 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Tom Zakim | grad student | 2004 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Christopher D. Jimenez y West | grad student | 2007 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Matthew W. Roth | grad student | 2007 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Michan A. Connor | grad student | 2008 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Yuko Itatsu | grad student | 2009 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Megan M. Kendrick | grad student | 2009 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
Jason C. LaBau | grad student | 2010 | USC (Philosophy Tree) |
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Ethington PJ, McDaniel JA. (2007) Political places and institutional spaces: The intersection of political science and political geography Annual Review of Political Science. 10: 127-142 |
McManus R, Ethington PJ. (2007) Suburbs in transition: New approaches to suburban history Urban History. 34: 317-337 |
Ethington P, McDonagh E. (1995) The Eclectic Center of the New Institutionalism: Axes of Analysis in Comparative Perspective Social Science History. 19: 467-477 |
Ethington P, McDonagh E. (1994) Conference panel: The intellectual legacy of the johns hopkins seminary of history and politics: Reconsidering the genealogy of the social sciences Studies in American Political Development. 8: 375-408 |
Ethington PJ. (1991) City at the point: Essays on the social history of pittsburgh. edited by samuel p. hays (pittsburgh, pennsylvania: University of pittsburgh press, 1989. xvi plus 473 pp.) Journal of Social History. 24: 918-920 |