Elizabeth N. Saunders, Ph.D.

2007 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
General, International Law and Relations, United States History, Military History
"Elizabeth Saunders"


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Bruce Russett grad student 2007 Yale
 (Wars of choice: Leadership, threat perception, and military interventions.)
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Hyde SD, Saunders EN. (2020) Recapturing Regime Type in International Relations: Leaders, Institutions, and Agency Space International Organization. 74: 363-395
Saunders EN. (2019) The Domestic Politics of Nuclear Choices—A Review Essay International Security. 44: 146-184
Saunders EN. (2018) Leaders, Advisers, and the Political Origins of Elite Support for War: Journal of Conflict Resolution. 62: 2118-2149
Kreps SE, Saunders EN, Schultz KA. (2018) The Ratification Premium: Hawks, Doves, and Arms Control World Politics. 70: 479-514
Guisinger A, Saunders EN. (2017) Mapping the Boundaries of Elite Cues: How Elites Shape Mass Opinion Across International Issues International Studies Quarterly. 61: 425-441
Saunders EN. (2017) No Substitute for Experience: Presidents, Advisers, and Information in Group Decision Making International Organization. 71: 219-247
Lebovic JH, Saunders EN. (2016) The diplomatic core: The determinants of high-level US diplomatic visits, 1946–2010 International Studies Quarterly. 60: 107-123
Saunders EN. (2015) War and the inner circle: Democratic elites and the politics of using force Security Studies. 24: 466-501
Saunders E. (2013) Ideology, Realpolitik, and US Foreign Policy Perspectives On Politics. 11: 589-592
Maltzman F, Lebovic JH, Saunders EN, et al. (2012) Unleashing presidential power: The politics of pets in the white house Ps - Political Science and Politics. 45: 395-400
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