Nicholas P. Lovrich
Affiliations: | Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States |
General, Ethnic and Racial StudiesGoogle:
"Nicholas Lovrich"Children
Sign in to add traineeStephanie Witt | grad student | 1989 | WSU |
Michael D. Reisig | grad student | 1996 | WSU (SocTree) |
Maria Chavez-Pringle | grad student | 2002 | WSU |
Ricky S. Gutierrez | grad student | 2002 | WSU |
Ryan Patten | grad student | 2006 | WSU |
Robert Lincoln | grad student | 2008 | WSU |
Yu-Sheng Lin | grad student | 2009 | WSU |
Danielle A. Lively | grad student | 2009 | WSU |
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Hu X, Rodgers K, Lovrich NP. (2020) Public preferences regarding police facebook posts: a macro-level analysis Police Practice and Research. 21: 227-245 |
Makin DA, Meize MR, Willits DW, et al. (2020) The impact of recreational marijuana sales on calls for service: an analysis of neighbouring cities Policing & Society. 1-15 |
Makin DA, Willits DW, Wu G, et al. (2019) Marijuana Legalization and Crime Clearance Rates: Testing Proponent Assertions in Colorado and Washington State: Police Quarterly. 22: 31-55 |
Lu R, Willits D, Stohr MK, et al. (2019) The Cannabis Effect on Crime: Time-Series Analysis of Crime in Colorado and Washington State Justice Quarterly. 1-31 |
Hu X, Rodgers K, Lovrich NP. (2018) “We Are More Than Crime Fighters”: Social Media Images of Police Departments: Police Quarterly. 21: 544-572 |
Moldavanova AV, Pierce JC, Lovrich NP. (2018) Sociopolitical sources of creative cultural capital in U.S. counties Journal of Urban Affairs. 40: 518-542 |
Benjamin F, Chavez M, Lovrich N. (2017) Establishing Washington’s 2015-2017 Biennial Budget: The Longest Session on Record California Journal of Politics and Policy. 9 |
Simon CA, Lovrich NP, Liu B, et al. (2017) Citizen Support for Military Expenditure Post–9/11: Exploring the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth Armed Forces & Society. 44: 688-706 |
Benjamin F, Chavez M, Lovrich N. (2016) 2014 Washington State Budget California Journal of Politics and Policy. 8 |
Pierce JC, Lovrich NP, Budd WW. (2016) Social capital, institutional performance, and sustainability in Italy's regions: Still evidence of enduring historical effects? Social Science Journal. 53: 271-281 |