Ray Christensen
Affiliations: | Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States |
Japanese politicsGoogle:
"Ray Christensen"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSusan J. Pharr | grad student | 1992 | Harvard | |
(The significance of the opposition in Japanese politics: The case of electoral coalitions in Japan) |
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Christensen R, Selway JS. (2017) Pork-Barrel Politics and Electoral Reform: Explaining the Curious Differences in the Experiences of Thailand and Japan The Journal of Asian Studies. 76: 283-310 |
Christensen R, Schultz TJ. (2014) Identifying Election Fraud Using Orphan and Low Propensity Voters American Politics Research. 42: 311-337 |
Christensen R. (2008) Book Review: Ethan Scheiner, Democracy without Competition in Japan, Opposition Failure in a One-Party Dominant State. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. £40.00 (hbk); £15.99 (pbk), xvii + 260 pp. ISBN 0 5218 4692 7 (hbk); 0 5216 0969 0 (pbk): Party Politics. 14: 378-380 |
Christensen R. (2008) Matthew Carlson, Money Politics in Japan: New Rules, Old Practices, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2007, pp. x + 175, appendices, index, $49.95 hbk, ISBN 978-158-826-500-5 Japanese Journal of Political Science. 9 |
Christensen R, Takashi I, Masachi O, et al. (2002) Seijigaku jiten (Encyclopedia of political science) . Edited by Inoguchi Takashi, Osawa Masachi, Ōkazawa Norio, Yamamoto Yoshinobu, and Steven R. Reed. Tokyo: Kōbundō, 2000. lxii, 1327 pp. ¥18,500 (cloth). The Journal of Asian Studies. 61: 271-272 |
Christensen R. (2000) Ending the LDP hegemony : party cooperation in Japan The Journal of Asian Studies. 60: 209 |
Christensen R. (2000) Sasaki Takeshi, Seiji Kaikaku: 1800 nichi no Shinjitsu (Political Reform: The Record of the 1800 Days), Tokyo: Kodansha, 1999. Gerald Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics, Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change, New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. T. J. Pempel, Regime Shift, Comparative Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. Japanese Journal of Political Science. 1: 345-357 |