Steve Chan

Political Science University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
"Steve Chan"
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Chan S. (2019) More Than One Trap: Problematic Interpretations and Overlooked Lessons from Thucydides Journal of Chinese Political Science. 24: 11-24
Chan S, Hu W, He K. (2018) Discerning states’ revisionist and status-quo orientations: Comparing China and the US: European Journal of International Relations. 135406611880462
He K, Chan S. (2018) Thinking about Change: American Theorizing and Chinese Reasoning on World Politics International Studies Review. 20: 326-333
Chan S, Hu RW. (2015) East Asia’s Enduring Rivalries: Ripe for Abatement? The Journal of Asian Security & International Affairs. 2: 133-153
Chan S. (2014) So What About a Power Shift? Caveat Emptor Asian Perspective. 38: 363-385
Chan S. (2013) Geography and international relations theorizing: their implications for China Eurasian Geography and Economics. 54: 363-385
Chan S, Hu R, Sohn I. (2013) Politics of détente: comparing Korea and Taiwan Pacific Review. 26: 199-220
Hu RW, Chan S. (2012) China's New Generation of Leaders and Regional Challenges in East Asia Eurasian Geography and Economics. 53: 674-687
Chan S. (2010) An Odd Thing Happened on the Way to Balancing: East Asian States’ Reactions to China’s Rise International Studies Review. 12: 387-412
Chan S. (2010) Major-power intervention and war initiation by the weak International Politics. 47: 163-185
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