Alexander V. Georgiev, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Human Evolutionary Biology | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States | |
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
Primate behavioral ecology and physiologyGoogle:
"Alexander V. Georgiev"Bio:
PhD in progress (Spring 2012)
Sign in to add mentorRichard Wrangham | grad student | 2005-2012 | Harvard |
Dario Maestripieri | post-doc | Chicago |
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Melvin ZE, Dhirani H, Mitchell C, et al. (2022) Methodological confounds of measuring urinary oxidative stress in wild animals. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e9115 |
Kuzawa CW, Adair L, Bechayda SA, et al. (2020) Evolutionary life history theory as an organising framework for cohort studies: insights from the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey. Annals of Human Biology. 47: 94-105 |
Rosenfield KA, Semple S, Georgiev AV, et al. (2019) Experimental evidence that female rhesus macaques () perceive variation in male facial masculinity. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 181415 |
Kyweluk MA, Georgiev AV, Borja JB, et al. (2018) Menarcheal timing is accelerated by favorable nutrition but unrelated to developmental cues of mortality or familial instability in Cebu, Philippines Evolution and Human Behavior. 39: 76-81 |
Petersdorf M, Dubuc C, Georgiev AV, et al. (2017) Is male rhesus macaque facial coloration under intrasexual selection? Behavioral Ecology : Official Journal of the International Society For Behavioral Ecology. 28: 1472-1481 |
Milich KM, Georgiev AV, Petersen RM, et al. (2017) Alpha male status and availability of conceptive females are associated with high glucocorticoid concentrations in high-ranking male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) during the mating season. Hormones and Behavior |
Ahuka-Mundeke S, Lunguya-Metila O, Mbenzo-Abokome V, et al. (2016) Genetic diversity of STLV-2 and interspecies transmission of STLV-3 in wild-living bonobos. Virus Evolution. 2: vew011 |
Georgiev AV, Christie D, Rosenfield KA, et al. (2016) Breaking the succession rule: The costs and benefits of an alpha-status take-over by an immigrant rhesus macaque on Cayo Santiago Behaviour. 153: 325-351 |
Georgiev AV, Thompson ME, Mandalaywala TM, et al. (2015) Oxidative stress as an indicator of the costs of reproduction among free-ranging rhesus macaques. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 218: 1981-5 |
Maestripieri D, Georgiev AV. (2015) What cortisol can tell us about the costs of sociality and reproduction among free-ranging rhesus macaque females on Cayo Santiago. American Journal of Primatology |