Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Amit Bernstein
Shlomo Breznitz
Shlomo HareliEmotions, Attribution, Social perception
Sharon Israely Gerry Leisman (grad student)
Rebecca Jacoby Psychology19801987 Shlomo Breznitz (grad student)
Naomi Josman
Ye-Ha Jung
Gerry LeismanComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive-Motor Interaction, Communication Systems, Cognitive Neurosciences, Systems Theory, Clinical Electrophysiology, Memory, Neuropsychology, Autism Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Zur Oz (collaborator), Sam Khamis (collaborator), Eli Carmeli (collaborator)
Robert MelilloNeuropsychology, Sensation, Autism Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences2018 Gerry Leisman (grad student)
David NavonAttention
Zur Oz
Tali Sharon (Atir)New semantic memory in amnesia Asaf Gilboa (grad student)
Shani WaidergorenRemote memory, amnesia Asaf Gilboa (grad student)