Marshall Myron Haith

Psychology University of Denver, Denver, CO, United States 
infant perception, the formation of expectations in early infancy, and the development of information-processing skills
"Marshall Myron Haith"
Marshall M. Haith is Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver. He earned his B.A. in 1959 from the University of Missouri and received his masters degree and Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1964. After completing postdoctoral work at Yale University, he held positions at Harvard University, University of Geneva, and Rene Descartes University in Paris. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow and a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He has previously authored Day Care and Intervention Programs for Infants Under Two Years of Age and Rules That Babies Look By: The Organization of Newborn Visual Activity. Along with J.J. Campos, he edited Volume 2 of Mussen’s Handbook of Child Psychology. His research interests include infant perception, the formation of expectations in early infancy, and the development of information-processing skills.
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Wendell Jeffrey grad student 1964 UCLA (Neurotree)
 (Attention to visual movement in the human newborn as measured by suppression of sucking)
William Kessen post-doc 1966 Yale


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Frederick James Morrison grad student 1971 Harvard (Neurotree)
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Adler SA, Haith MM, Arehart DM, et al. (2008) Infants' visual expectations and the processing of time Journal of Cognition and Development. 9: 1-25
Haith MM. (2004) Progress and standardization in eye movement work with human infants Infancy. 6: 257-265
Adler SA, Haith MM. (2003) The nature of infants' visual expectations for event content Infancy. 4: 389-421
Wentworth N, Haith MM, Hood R. (2002) Spatiotemporal Regularity and Interevent Contingencies as Information for Infants' Visual Expectations. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 3: 303-321
Dougherty TM, Haith MM. (2002) Infants' use of constraints to speed information processing and to anticipate events Infancy. 3: 457-473
Wentworth N, Haith MM, Hood R. (2002) Spatiotemporal regularity and interevent contingencies as information for infants' visual expectations Infancy. 3: 303-321
Wentworth N, Haith MM, Karrer R. (2001) Behavioral and Cortical Measures of Infants' Visual Expectations Infancy. 2: 175-195
Wentworth N, Benson JB, Haith MM. (2000) The development of infants' reaches for stationary and moving targets. Child Development. 71: 576-601
Wentworth N, Haith MM. (1998) Infants' acquisition of spatiotemporal expectations. Developmental Psychology. 34: 247-57
Wass TS, Lewis AA, Haith MM. (1998) Infants' sensitivity to temporal parameters of the visual expectation paradigm Infant Behavior and Development. 21: 747
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