John M. Foley
Affiliations: | Psychological and Brain Sciences | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
"John Foley"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeEileen E. Birch | grad student | UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree) | |
Geoffrey Boynton | grad student | UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree) | |
Chien-Chung Chen | grad student | UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree) |
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Foley JM. (2019) Lateral effects in pattern vision. Journal of Vision. 19: 8 |
Foley J. (2017) Lateral Context Effects on Contrast Pattern Detection and Discrimination Journal of Vision. 17: 778 |
Foley JM. (2012) Divisive Suppression in Contrast Vision Journal of Vision. 12: 32-32 |
Foley JM. (2011) Forward-backward masking of contrast patterns: the role of transients. Journal of Vision. 11 |
Foley JM, Varadharajan SL, Koh CC, et al. (2010) Detection of gabor patterns Journal of Vision. 5: 181-181 |
Foley JM, Varadharajan S, Koh CC, et al. (2007) Detection of Gabor patterns of different sizes, shapes, phases and eccentricities. Vision Research. 47: 85-107 |
Farias MCQ, Foley JM, Mitra SK. (2007) Detectability and annoyance of synthetic blocky, blurry, noisy, and ringing artifacts Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 55: 2954-2964 |
Ho HH, Foley JM, Mitra SK. (2006) Visibility and annoyance of LCD defective sub-pixels of different colors for different surrounds and positions Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 6059 |
Koh CC, Foley JM, Mitra SK. (2006) Color preference and perceived color naturalness of digital videos Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 6057 |
Chen CC, Foley JM. (2004) Pattern detection: interactions between oriented and concentric patterns. Vision Research. 44: 915-24 |