Gary D. Mitchell
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
Developmental PsychobiologyGoogle:
"Gary Mitchell"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeTerry L. Maple | grad student | UC Davis | |
Joseph M. Erwin | grad student | 1968-1974 | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
Joseph M Erwin | grad student | 1968-1974 | UC Davis (Primatology Tree) |
Nancy G. Caine | grad student | 1981 | UC Davis (Primatology Tree) |
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Mitchell G, Herring F, Obradovich S. (1992) Like Threaten Like in Mangabeys and People Anthrozoos. 5: 106-112 |
Mitchell G, Herring F, Tromborg C, et al. (1992) Targets of aggressive facial displays by golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster) at the Sacramento Zoo Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 33: 249-259 |
Mitchell G, Obradovich S, Herring F, et al. (1992) Reproducing gender in public places: Adults' attention to toddlers in three public locales Sex Roles. 26: 323-330 |
Mitchell G, Steiner S, Dowd B, et al. (1991) Male and female observers evoke different responses from monkeys Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 29: 358-360 |
Mitchell G, Obradovich SD, Herring FH, et al. (1991) Threats to observers, keepers, visitors, and others by zoo mangabeys ( Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster ) Primates. 32: 515-522 |
Mitchell G, Herring F, Obradovich S, et al. (1991) Effects of visitors and cage changes on the behaviors of mangabeys Zoo Biology. 10: 417-423 |
Mitchell G, Towers S, Soteriou S, et al. (1988) Sex differences in behavior of endangered mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster) Primates. 29: 129-134 |
Caine NG, Mitchell G. (1980) Species differences in the interest shown in infants by juvenile female macaques (Macaca radiata andM. mulatta) International Journal of Primatology. 1: 323-332 |
Caine N, Mitchell G. (1979) The relationship between maternal rank and companion choice in immature macaques (Macaca mulatta andM. radiata) Primates. 20: 583-590 |
Caine N, Mitchell G. (1979) A review of play in the genusMacaca: Social correlates Primates. 20: 535-546 |