Jill Irwin

Psychology Queen's, NY, United States 
"Jill Irwin"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Hymie Anisman grad student 1978-1984 Carleton University (Neurotree)


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Liisa Galea research assistant Queen's
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Zalcman S, Irwin J, Anisman H. (1991) Stressor-induced alterations of natural killer cell activity and central catecholamines in mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 39: 361-6
Zacharko RM, Kasian M, Irwin J, et al. (1990) Behavioral characterization of intracranial self-stimulation from mesolimbic, mesocortical, nigrostriatal, hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic sites in the non-inbred CD-1 mouse strain. Behavioural Brain Research. 36: 251-81
Anisman H, Irwin J, Bowers W, et al. (1987) Variations of norepinephrine concentrations following chronic stressor application. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 26: 653-9
Irwin J, Ahluwalia P, Anisman H. (1986) Sensitization of norepinephrine activity following acute and chronic footshock. Brain Research. 379: 98-103
Irwin J, Ahluwalia P, Zacharko RM, et al. (1986) Central norepinephrine and plasma corticosterone following acute and chronic stressors: influence of social isolation and handling. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 24: 1151-4
Irwin J, Tombaugh TN, Zacharko RM, et al. (1983) Alteration of exploration and the response to food associated cues after treatment with pimozide. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 18: 235-46
Anisman H, Irwin J, Beauchamp C, et al. (1983) Cross-stressor immunization against the behavioral deficits introduced by uncontrollable shock. Behavioral Neuroscience. 97: 452-61
Anisman H, Irwin J, Zacharko RM, et al. (1982) Effects of dopamine receptor blockade on avoidance performance: assessment of effects on cue-shock and response-outcome associations. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 36: 280-90
Irwin J, Suissa A, Anisman H. (1980) Differential effects of inescapable shock on escape performance and discrimination learning in a water escape task. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 6: 21-40
Kokkinidis L, Irwin J, Anisman H. (1979) Ontogenetic variations in amphetamine-induced stimulus perseveration. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 26: 221-33
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