Edward L. Wike, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Behaviorism, Psychology
"Edward L. Wike"

(1922 - 1999)

Cross-listing: Neurotree

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Wike EL, Wolfe VL, Norsworthy KA. (1975) The effects of low frequency, whole body vibration on rats: prolonged training, predictability, incremental training, and taste conditioning Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 5: 333-335
Wike EL, King DD. (1973) Sequences of reward magnitude and runway performance Animal Learning & Behavior. 1: 175-178
Wike SS, Wike EL. (1970) The effect of a coding cue on verbal discrimination learning Psychonomic Science. 20: 107-108
Wike EL, Chen J. (1970) Runway performance and reward magnitude Psychonomic Science. 21: 139-140
Wike SS, Wike EL. (1970) Presentation rates and verbal discrimination learning Psychonomic Science. 19: 253-254
Wike EL, Atwood ME. (1970) The Effects of Delayed Reward and Delay-Box Confinement Upon Instrumental Performance: A Within-Type Design The Psychological Record. 20: 57-62
Wike EL, Atwood ME. (1970) The Effects of Sequences of Reward Magnitude, Delay, and Delay-Box Confinement Upon Runway Performance The Psychological Record. 20: 51-56
Wike EL, Sheldon SS, Cour CA. (1968) Instrumental Performance as a Function of Increasing and Decreasing Delays of Reinforcement The Psychological Record. 18: 19-24
Wike EL, Mellgren RL, Wike SS. (1968) Runway Performance as a Function of Delayed Reinforcement and Delay-Box Confinement The Psychological Record. 18: 9-18
Wike EL, McWilliams J, Cooley JD. (1967) Delay patterns, delay-box confinement, and instrumental performance. Psychological Reports. 21: 873-8
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