Richard M. McFall, Ph.D.

Psychology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
"Richard McFall"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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George A. Kelly grad student Ohio State (Neurotree)


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John M. Gottman grad student UW Madison
Constance L. Hammen grad student UW Madison (Neurotree)
Charlene L. Muehlenhard grad student UW Madison (Neurotree)
David G. Schlundt grad student Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Teresa A. Treat grad student Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Lynn Rehm grad student 1965-1970 UW Madison (Neurotree)
Frank Weathers grad student 1988 (Neurotree)
John H. McGrew grad student 1982-1991 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Laura L. Brenner grad student 2001 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Sushmita S. Ghose grad student 2001 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Amanda R. Mortimer grad student 2004 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Valerie E. Tolbert grad student 2005 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
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Yeater EA, McFall RM, Viken RJ. (2011) The relationship between women's response effectiveness and a history of sexual victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 26: 462-78
Treat TA, Kruschke JK, Viken RJ, et al. (2011) Application of Associative Learning Paradigms to Clinically Relevant Individual Differences in Cognitive Processing Associative Learning and Conditioning Theory: Human and Non-Human Applications
Treat TA, Viken RJ, Kruschke JK, et al. (2011) Men's memory for women's sexual-interest and rejection cues Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25: 802-810
Yeater EA, Treat TA, Viken RJ, et al. (2010) Cognitive processes underlying women's risk judgments: associations with sexual victimization history and rape myth acceptance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 78: 375-86
Treat TA, Viken RJ, Kruschke JK, et al. (2010) Role of attention, memory, and covariation-detection processes in clinically significant eating-disorder symptoms Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 54: 184-195
Farris C, Treat TA, Viken RJ, et al. (2008) Perceptual mechanisms that characterize gender differences in decoding women's sexual intent. Psychological Science. 19: 348-54
Farris C, Treat TA, Viken RJ, et al. (2008) Sexual coercion and the misperception of sexual intent. Clinical Psychology Review. 28: 48-66
Farris C, Viken RJ, Treat TA, et al. (2006) Heterosocial perceptual organization: application of the choice model to sexual coercion. Psychological Science. 17: 869-75
Yeater EA, Viken RJ, McFall RM, et al. (2006) Sexual attitudes and instructional set affect estimates of risk and response effectiveness Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 28: 233-242
Viken RJ, Treat TA, Bloom SL, et al. (2005) Illusory correlation for body type and happiness: covariation bias and its relationship to eating disorder symptoms. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 38: 65-72
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