Amy E. Clifton, Ph.D.

2000 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"Amy Clifton"


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Roy Walter Schlische grad student 2000 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (Laboratory and field studies of oblique rifting.)
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Voight B, Clifton A, Hjartarson Á, et al. (2020) A half-century of geologic and geothermic investigations in Iceland: The legacy of Kristján Sæmundsson Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 391: 106434
Jenness MH, Clifton AE. (2009) Controls on the geometry of a Holocene crater row: a field study from southwest Iceland Bulletin of Volcanology. 71: 715-728
Clifton AE, Kattenhorn SA. (2006) Structural architecture of a highly oblique divergent plate boundary segment Tectonophysics. 419: 27-40
Clifton A, Einarsson P. (2005) Styles of surface rupture accompanying the June 17 and 21, 2000 earthquakes in the South Iceland Seismic Zone Tectonophysics. 396: 141-159
Clifton AE, Schlische RW. (2003) Fracture populations on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: Comparison with experimental clay models of oblique rifting Journal of Geophysical Research. 108: 2074
Clifton AE, Pagli C, Jónsdóttir JF, et al. (2003) Surface effects of triggered fault slip on Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland Tectonophysics. 369: 145-154
Clifton AE, Sigmundsson F, Feigl KL, et al. (2002) Surface effects of faulting and deformation resulting from magma accumulation at the Hengill triple junction, SW Iceland, 1994-1998 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 115: 233-255
Clifton AE, Schlische RW. (2001) Nucleation, growth, and linkage of faults in oblique rift zones: Results from experimental clay models and implications for maximum fault size Geology. 29: 455-458
Clifton AE, Schlische RW, Withjack MO, et al. (2000) Influence of rift obliquity on fault-population systematics: results of experimental clay models Journal of Structural Geology. 22: 1491-1509
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