Shep Siegel, Ph. D.

Psychology McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 
Drug Conditioning
"Shep Siegel"
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Ramos BM, Siegel S, Bueno JL. (2002) Occasion setting and drug tolerance. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science : the Official Journal of the Pavlovian Society. 37: 165-77
Sokolowska M, Siegel S, Kim JA. (2002) Intraadministration associations: Conditional hyperalgesia elicited by morphine onset cues Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 28: 309-320
Baptista MAS, Siegel S, MacQueen G, et al. (1998) Pre-drug cues modulate morphine tolerance, striatal c-Fos, and AP-1 DNA binding Neuroreport. 9: 3387-3390
McDonald RV, Parker LA, Siegel S. (1997) Conditioned sucrose aversions produced by naloxone-precipitated withdrawal from acutely administered morphine Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 58: 1003-1008
Turenne SD, Miles C, Parker LA, et al. (1996) Individual differences in reactivity to the Rewarding/Aversive properties of drugs: Assessment by taste and place conditioning Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 53: 511-516
Parker LA, Siegel S. (1996) Ibogaine interferes with the establishment of conditioned taste avoidance produced by morphine and lithium Learning and Motivation. 27: 170-178
Siegel S, Parker LA, Moroz I. (1995) Morphine-induced taste avoidance is attenuated with multiple conditioning trials Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 50: 299-303
Goodison TM, Siegel S. (1993) Pavlovian conditioning and tolerance to the anorectic effect of naloxone Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 46: 505-506
MacQueen GM, Siegel S, Landry JO. (1990) Acquisition and extinction of conditional immunoenhancement following training with cyclophosphamide Psychobiology. 18: 287-292
MacQueen G, Marshall J, Perdue M, et al. (1989) Pavlovian conditioning of rat mucosal mast cells to secrete rat mast cell protease II Science. 243: 83-85
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