Laura McKee

Psychology Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States 
"Laura McKee"


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Lee Marcus research assistant UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
 (Pre-doctoral intern)
Jennifer L. Coffman grad student UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
Rex Forehand grad student University of Vermont
Suniya Luthar grad student Columbia (Neurotree)
Martha Cox post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
Andrea Hussong post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
Deborah Jean Jones post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
Vonnie C. McLoyd post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
Dianne Ward post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (PHTree)


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Meghan Goyer grad student 2018- Georgia State
Jena Michel grad student 2018- Georgia State
BETA: Related publications


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Ciriegio AE, Pine AE, Cole DA, et al. (2025) Mediators of a randomized controlled trial of a preventive intervention for youth of parents with depressive disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 93: 1-13
Parent J, Highlander A, Loiselle R, et al. (2023) Technology-Enhanced BPT for Early-Onset Behavior Disorders: Improved Outcomes for Children With Co-Occurring Internalizing Symptoms. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 1-14
McKee LG, Yang Y, Highlander A, et al. (2022) Conceptualizing the Role of Parent and Child Emotion Regulation in the Treatment of Early-Onset Behavior Disorders: Theory, Research, and Future Directions. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
Highlander A, Zachary C, Jenkins K, et al. (2021) Clinical Presentation and Treatment of Early-Onset Behavior Disorders: The Role of Parent Emotion Regulation, Emotion Socialization, and Family Income. Behavior Modification. 1454455211036001
McKee LG, DiMarzio K, Parent J, et al. (2021) Profiles of Emotion Socialization Across Development and Longitudinal Associations with Youth Psychopathology. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Acosta J, Parent J, DiMarzio K, et al. (2021) Longitudinal Associations Between Parenting Practices and Youth Sleep Problems. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : Jdbp
Parent J, Dale C, McKee LG, et al. (2021) The Longitudinal Influence of Caregiver Dispositional Mindful Attention on Mindful Parenting, Parenting Practices, and Youth Psychopathology. Mindfulness. 12: 357-369
Duprey EB, McKee LG, O'Neal CW, et al. (2020) Stressors, resources, and mental health among Latino adolescents: The role of gratitude Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 70: 101191
Faro AL, McKee LG, Garcia RL, et al. (2019) Emotion socialization, social connectedness and internalizing symptoms in emerging adults Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 64: 101051
Henry LM, Forehand R, Watson KH, et al. (2018) Parental Depressive Symptoms and Parenting: Associations with Children's Coping in Families of Depressed Parents. Parenting, Science and Practice. 18: 281-296
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