
Michael D. Robinson

Psychology North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, United States 
"Michael Robinson"
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Irvin RL, Krishnakumar S, Robinson MD. (2024) Evaluation experts: Relations between ability emotional intelligence and attitude strength indicators. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Irvin RL, Wu D, Fetterman AK, et al. (2023) Heads of Worry, Hearts of Joy: Daily Diary Investigations of Self-Location and Well-Being. Affective Science. 4: 744-756
Robinson MD, Irvin RL. (2023) Feeling up or feeling down: Verticality preferences in personality, pathology, and well-being. Acta Psychologica. 238: 103975
Robinson MD, Asad MR, Irvin RL. (2023) Emotional Intelligence as Evaluative Activity: Theory, Findings, and Future Directions. Journal of Intelligence. 11
Fetterman AK, Robinson MD, Meier BP. (2021) Leveraging individual differences to understand grounded procedures. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 44: e6
Robinson M, Huo Y, Impett E, et al. (2021) Editorial Philosophy, January 2021. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167221989322
Fetterman AK, Juhl J, Meier BP, et al. (2020) The path to God is through the heart: Metaphoric self-location as a predictor of religiosity Self and Identity. 19: 650-672
Robinson MD, Traurig E, Klein RJ. (2020) On looking versus leaping: A situated multilevel approach to trait anger and the anger-aggression relationship Personality and Individual Differences. 164: 110130
Robinson MD, Penzel IB, Persich MR. (2020) What if your partner…? A situated decision-making approach to romantic competence in young adulthood Journal of Research in Personality. 88: 104012
Quirin M, Robinson MD, Rauthmann JF, et al. (2020) The Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA): 20 Tenets for Uncovering the Causal Mechanisms of Personality European Journal of Personality. 34: 947-968
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