Maud Besançon, Ph.D.

Université Rennes 2 
"Maud Besançon"
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Lubart T, Kharkhurin AV, Corazza GE, et al. (2022) Creative Potential in Science: Conceptual and Measurement Issues. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 750224
Celume MP, Goldstein T, Besançon M, et al. (2020) Developing Children's Socio-Emotional Competencies Through Drama Pedagogy Training: An Experimental Study on Theory of Mind and Collaborative Behavior. Europe's Journal of Psychology. 16: 707-726
Lubart T, Barbot B, Besançon M. (2019) Creative potential: assessment issues and the EPoC Battery / Potencial creativo: temas de evaluación y batería EPoC Estudios De PsicologíA. 40: 540-562
Celume M, Besançon M, Zenasni F. (2019) How a dialogic space can impact children’s creativity and mood valence in Drama Pedagogy Training: Study with a French 4th grade sample Thinking Skills and Creativity. 33: 100576
Lubart T, Besançon M, Barbot B. (2019) La créativité, ressource potentielle de l’enfant et l’adolescent, à évaluer, révéler et développer Neuropsychiatrie De L'Enfance Et De L'Adolescence. 67: 121-129
Goumi A, Besançon M. (2019) 2 B kreativ’ or not to be creative: Textisms and texters’ creativity European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne De Psychologie Appliquee. 69: 100470
Celume MP, Besançon M, Zenasni F. (2018) Fostering Children and Adolescents' Creative Thinking in Education. Theoretical Model of Drama Pedagogy Training. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2611
Ahmadi N, Besançon M. (2017) Creativity as a Stepping Stone towards Developing Other Competencies in Classrooms Education Research International. 2017: 1-9
Martin-Krumm C, Fenouillet F, Csillik A, et al. (2017) Changes in Emotions from Childhood to Young Adulthood Child Indicators Research. 11: 541-561
Barbot B, Lubart TI, Besançon M. (2016) "Peaks, Slumps, and Bumps": Individual Differences in the Development of Creativity in Children and Adolescents. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 2016: 33-45
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