Agneta Hebelina Fischer

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
"Agneta Hebelina Fischer"

Prof. dr. A.H. Fischer at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam


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Nico H. Frijda grad student 1991 Leiden
 (Emotion scripts: a study of the social and cognitive facets of emotions.)
Leonardus Johannes Theodorus van der Kamp grad student 1991 Leiden


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Irene E. de Pater grad student 2005 Amsterdam (Neurotree)
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Pauw LS, Sauter DA, Van Kleef GA, et al. (2024) The dynamics of interpersonal emotion regulation: How sharers elicit desired (but not necessarily helpful) support. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Israelashvili J, Dijk C, Fischer AH. (2024) Social anxiety is associated with personal distress and disrupted recognition of negative emotions. Heliyon. 10: e24587
Wessler J, van der Schalk J, Hansen J, et al. (2022) Existential threat and responses to emotional displays of ingroup and outgroup members. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations : Gpir. 26: 1866-1887
Israelashvili J, Fischer A. (2022) Recognition of Emotion from Verbal and Nonverbal Expressions and Its Relation to Effective Communication: A Preliminary Evidence of a Positive Link. Journal of Intelligence. 11
Hess U, Fischer A. (2022) Emotional mimicry as social regulator: theoretical considerations. Cognition & Emotion. 1-9
Manokara K, Fischer A, Sauter D. (2022) Display rules differ between positive emotions: Not all that feels good looks good. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Lange J, Fischer AH, van Kleef GA. (2022) "You're just envious": Inferring benign and malicious envy from facial expressions and contextual information. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Israelashvili J, Pauw LS, Sauter DA, et al. (2021) Emotion Recognition from Realistic Dynamic Emotional Expressions Cohere with Established Emotion Recognition Tests: A Proof-of-Concept Validation of the Emotional Accuracy Test. Journal of Intelligence. 9
Kret ME, Maitner AT, Fischer AH. (2021) Interpreting Emotions From Women With Covered Faces: A Comparison Between a Middle Eastern and Western-European Sample. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 620632
Ilgen H, Israelashvili J, Fischer A. (2021) Personal Nonverbal Repertoires in facial displays and their relation to individual differences in social and emotional styles. Cognition & Emotion. 1-10
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