People with institution matching "NUS": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Nicolas Châline (Info) Instituto de Psicologia da USP Ethology, Animal Behaviour, Socialidade, Ants, Bees, Invertebrate, Behavioural Ecology nchaline 2020‑09‑21
Jennifer L. Stevenson (Info) Ursinus College Autism lmorett 2011‑12‑17
Serafino Teseo (Info) NUS nchaline 2020‑09‑21
Christian Tewes (Info) Alanus Hochschule Mannheim Goetzendaemmerer 2023‑04‑21
Loel Nicholas Tronsky (Info) Albertus Magnus College Arithmetic, Working Memory ltronsky 2012‑10‑05
Hannes Wendler (Info) University of Cologne Axiology; Phenomenology; Psychopathology; Theoretical Psychology; Philosophical Anthropology; Human-Animal-Studies; Empathy; Psychoanalysis; Goetzendaemmerer 2023‑04‑21
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