Stuart L. Usdan - Publications

Health Education/Promotion The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Public Health

38 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Piazza AJ, Knowlden AP, Hibberd E, Leeper J, Paschal AM, Usdan S. Mobile device use while crossing the street: Utilizing the theory of planned behavior. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 127: 9-18. PMID 30826696 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2019.02.006  0.309
2018 Wilkerson AH, Usdan SL, Knowlden AP, Leeper JL, Birch DA, Hibberd EE. Ecological Influences on Employees' Workplace Sedentary Behavior: A Cross-Sectional Study. American Journal of Health Promotion : Ajhp. 890117118767717. PMID 29660987 DOI: 10.1177/0890117118767717  0.308
2017 Wilkerson AH, Hackman CL, Rush SE, Usdan SL, Smith CS. "Drunkorexia": Understanding eating and physical activity behaviors of weight conscious drinkers in a sample of college students. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 0. PMID 28641040 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2017.1344848  0.481
2017 Shields MM, Thomas KH, Paschal A, Tucker M, Leeper J, Usdan S. Promoting Campus Cycling for Outdoor Recreation and Transportation: Investigating Factors Influencing Student Bicycle Usage on a Large, Southeastern University from an Ecological Perspective Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. 9: 98-112. DOI: 10.18666/Jorel-2017-V9-I1-7475  0.474
2017 Hackman CL, Pember SE, Wilkerson AH, Burton W, Usdan SL. Slut-shaming and victim-blaming: a qualitative investigation of undergraduate students’ perceptions of sexual violence Sex Education. 17: 697-711. DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2017.1362332  0.42
2015 Watkins TL, Simpson C, Cofield SS, Davies S, Kohler C, Usdan S. The Relationship Between HIV Risk, High-Risk Behavior, Religiosity, and Spirituality Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): An Exploratory Study. Journal of Religion and Health. PMID 26475314 DOI: 10.1007/S10943-015-0142-2  0.322
2015 Gallucci AR, Martin RJ, Usdan SL. The diversion of stimulant medications among a convenience sample of college students with current prescriptions. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 29: 154-61. PMID 25134041 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000012  0.688
2015 Gallucci A, Martin R, Beaujean A, Usdan S. An examination of the misuse of prescription stimulants among college students using the theory of planned behavior. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 20: 217-26. PMID 24783973 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2014.913800  0.692
2014 Gallucci AR, Wynveen C, Hackman C, Meyer A, Usdan S. An Examination of the Situational Factors Associated With the Misuse of Prescription Analgesics Among College Students. Journal of Drug Education. 44: 116-36. PMID 26150110 DOI: 10.1177/0047237915585523  0.714
2014 Beville JM, Meyer MR, Usdan SL, Turner LW, Jackson JC, Lian BE. Gender differences in college leisure time physical activity: application of the theory of planned behavior and integrated behavioral model. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 62: 173-84. PMID 24328906 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2013.872648  0.407
2014 Martin RJ, Usdan S, Cremeens J, Vail-Smith K. Disordered gambling and co-morbidity of psychiatric disorders among college students: an examination of problem drinking, anxiety and depression. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming. 30: 321-33. PMID 23430449 DOI: 10.1007/S10899-013-9367-8  0.378
2014 Gallucci AR, Usdan SL, Martin RJ, Bolland KA. Pill popping problems: The non-medical use of stimulant medications in an undergraduate sample Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 21: 181-188. DOI: 10.3109/09687637.2013.848840  0.703
2012 Talbott LL, Moore CG, Usdan SL. Social modeling influences and alcohol consumption during the first semester of college: a natural history study. Substance Abuse. 33: 146-55. PMID 22489587 DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2011.640204  0.445
2012 Edmonds E, Turner LW, Usdan SL. Osteoporosis knowledge, beliefs, and calcium intake of college students: Utilization of the health belief model Open Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2: 27-34. DOI: 10.4236/Ojpm.2012.21005  0.427
2012 Martin RJ, Cremeens JL, Umstattd MR, Usdan SL, Talbott-Forbes L, Garner MM. Drinking behaviour, protective behavioural strategies and school performance of college students Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 19: 64-71. DOI: 10.3109/09687637.2011.560910  0.511
2011 Cremeens JL, Usdan SL, Umstattd MR, Talbott LL, Turner L, Perko M. Challenges and recommendations to enforcement of alcohol policies on college campuses: an administrator's perspective. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 59: 427-30. PMID 21500063 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2010.502201  0.349
2010 Griffin JA, Umstattd MR, Usdan SL. Alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior among collegiate women: a review of research on alcohol myopia theory. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 58: 523-32. PMID 20452928 DOI: 10.1080/07448481003621718  0.366
2010 Martin RJ, Usdan S, Nelson S, Umstattd MR, Laplante D, Perko M, Shaffer H. Using the theory of planned behavior to predict gambling behavior. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 24: 89-97. PMID 20307115 DOI: 10.1037/A0018452  0.373
2010 Talbott LL, Umstattd MR, Usdan SL, Martin RJ, Geiger BF. Validation of the Drinking Context Scale (DCS-9) for use with non-adjudicated first-year college students. Addictive Behaviors. 35: 510-2. PMID 20060227 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2009.12.015  0.476
2010 Mays D, Cremeens J, Usdan S, Martin RJ, Arriola KJ, Bernhardt JM. The feasibility of assessing alcohol use among college students using wireless mobile devices: Implications for health education and behavioural research Health Education Journal. 69: 311-320. DOI: 10.1177/0017896910364831  0.494
2009 Bernhardt JM, Usdan S, Mays D, Martin R, Cremeens J, Arriola KJ. Alcohol assessment among college students using wireless mobile technology. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 70: 771-5. PMID 19737502 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2009.70.771  0.508
2009 Mays D, Usdan S, Arriola KJ, Weitzel JA, Bernhardt JM. Development and validation of the Retrospective Alcohol Context Scale. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 35: 109-14. PMID 19322732 DOI: 10.1080/00952990902825439  0.455
2009 Arriola KR, Usdan S, Mays D, Weitzel JA, Cremeens J, Martin RJ, Borba C, Bernhardt JM. Reliability and validity of the alcohol consequences expectations scale. American Journal of Health Behavior. 33: 504-12. PMID 19296740 DOI: 10.5993/Ajhb.33.5.3  0.403
2009 Talbott LL, Umstattd MR, Usdan SL, Martin RJ, Geiger BF. Validation of the College Alcohol Problem Scale-revised (CAPS-r) for use with non-adjudicated first-year students. Addictive Behaviors. 34: 471-3. PMID 19167833 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2008.12.005  0.479
2008 Usdan S, Martin R, Mays D, Cremeens J, Weitzel JA, Bernhardt J. Self-reported consequences of intoxication among college students: implications for harm reduction approaches to high-risk drinking. Journal of Drug Education. 38: 377-87. PMID 19438069 DOI: 10.2190/De.38.4.E  0.453
2008 Talbott LL, Martin RJ, Usdan SL, Leeper JD, Umstattd MR, Cremeens JL, Geiger BF. Drinking likelihood, alcohol problems, and peer influence among first-year college students. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 34: 433-40. PMID 18584573 DOI: 10.1080/00952990802122655  0.46
2007 Muilenburg JL, Johnson WD, Usdan SL, Annang L, Clayton DL. Prevalence of impaired driving behaviors in a diverse, rural, southern middle school. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 39: 1080-7. PMID 17920829 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2007.02.004  0.437
2007 Weitzel JA, Bernhardt JM, Usdan S, Mays D, Glanz K. Using wireless handheld computers and tailored text messaging to reduce negative consequences of drinking alcohol. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 68: 534-7. PMID 17568957 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2007.68.534  0.396
2007 Bernhardt JM, Usdan S, Mays D, Arriola KJ, Martin RJ, Cremeens J, McGill T, Weitzel JA. Alcohol assessment using wireless handheld computers: a pilot study. Addictive Behaviors. 32: 3065-70. PMID 17499442 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2007.04.012  0.467
2005 Usdan SL, Moore CG, Schumacher JE, Talbott LL. Drinking locations prior to impaired driving among college students: implications for prevention. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 54: 69-75. PMID 16255317 DOI: 10.3200/Jach.54.2.69-75  0.519
2005 Bernhardt JM, Usdan SL, Burnett A. Using handheld computers for daily alcohol assessment: Results from a pilot study Journal of Substance Use. 10: 347-353. DOI: 10.1080/14659890412331320838  0.417
2004 Usdan SL, Schumacher JE, Bernhardt JM. Impaired driving behaviors among college students: A comparison of web-based daily assessment and retrospective timeline followback Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. 48: 34-50.  0.364
2003 Milby JB, Schumacher JE, Wallace D, Frison S, McNamara C, Usdan S, Michael M. Day treatment with contingency management for cocaine abuse in homeless persons: 12-month follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 71: 619-21. PMID 12795584 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.71.3.619  0.306
2003 Schumacher JE, Milby JB, Wallace D, Simpson C, Frison S, McNamara C, Usdan S. Diagnostic compared with abstinence outcomes of day treatment and contingency management among cocaine-dependent homeless persons. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 11: 146-57. PMID 12755459 DOI: 10.1037/1064-1297.11.2.146  0.301
2001 McNamara C, Schumacher JE, Milby JB, Wallace D, Usdan S. Prevalence of nonpsychotic mental disorders does not affect treatment outcome in a homeless cocaine-dependent sample. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 27: 91-106. PMID 11373038 DOI: 10.1081/Ada-100103120  0.342
2001 Usdan SL, Schumacher JE, Milby JB, Wallace D, McNamara C, Michael M. Crack cocaine, alcohol, and other drug use patterns among homeless persons with other mental disorders. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 27: 107-20. PMID 11373029 DOI: 10.1081/Ada-100103121  0.342
2000 Schumacher JE, Usdan S, Milby JB, Wallace D, McNamara C. Abstinent-contingent housing and treatment retention among crack-cocaine-dependent homeless persons. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 19: 81-8. PMID 10867305 DOI: 10.1016/S0740-5472(99)00089-6  0.323
2000 Milby JB, Schumacher JE, McNamara C, Wallace D, Usdan S, McGill T, Michael M. Initiating abstinence in cocaine abusing dually diagnosed homeless persons Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 60: 55-67. DOI: 10.1016/S0376-8716(00)80008-3  0.325
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