Universite Laval (Canada)

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Khaled Ahmed Mostafa KasimPublic Health2004 Patrick Levallois (grad student)
Michel AlaryPublic Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wiedad R. ArcherNutrition, Public Health2003 Benoit Lamarche (grad student)
Houda BilrhaImmunology, Public Health2003 Raynald Roy (grad student)
Marie-Claude BoilyPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology
Foumia Bou-AssySocial Work, Public Health, Cultural Anthropology2001 Serge Dumont (grad student)
Louis-Philippe BouletRecreation, Animal Physiology Biology, Public Health
Diane BrissonGenetics2005 Daniel Gaudet (grad student)
Kamal DesaiPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology2001 Marie-Claude Boily (grad student)
Jean-Pierre DespresPublic Health
Eric DewaillyPublic Health, Oncology
Sylvie DodinPublic Health, Women's Studies
Vicky DrapeauPublic Health2004 Angelo Tremblay (grad student)
Melanie DroletPublic Health, Industrial Psychology2005 Elizabeth Maunsell (grad student)
Serge DumontSocial Work, Public Health, Cultural Anthropology
Felix FonsecaPublic and Social Welfare, Public Health2004 Olivier Clain (grad student)
Daniel GaudetGenetics, Pathology, Public Health
Paul GodboutPublic Health
Pierre IssalysLaw, Public Health, Health Care Management, Public and Social Welfare
Benoit LamarcheNutrition, Public Health
Jean-Bruno LangdeauRecreation, Animal Physiology Biology, Public Health2003 Louis-Philippe Boulet (grad student)
Patrick LevalloisPublic Health
Sylvie MarcouxPublic Health
Raymond MassePhysical Anthropology, Public Health, Cultural Anthropology
Elizabeth MaunsellPublic Health, Industrial Psychology
Luc NadeauPhysical Education, Recreation2001 Paul Godbout (grad student)
Bertrand NolinPublic Health2003 Paul Godbout (grad student)
Louis PerusseGenetics, Public Health
Denis Prud'hommeRecreation, Public Health
Raynald RoyImmunology, Public Health
Bernard RoyPhysical Anthropology, Public Health, Cultural Anthropology2002 Raymond Masse (grad student)
Isabelle RuelMedicine and Surgery, Pathology, Genetics2005 Benoit Lamarche (grad student)
Julie St-PierreGenetics, Pathology, Public Health2004 Daniel Gaudet (grad student)
Robert J. TetraultLaw, Public Health, Health Care Management, Public and Social Welfare2004 Pierre Issalys (grad student)
Rene VerreaultPublic Health, Gerontology
Mayumi YoshiokaRecreation, Public Health, Nutrition2000 Angelo Tremblay (grad student)