Kathleen Tierney

Hazards Center University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
 Disaster Research Center University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
"Kathleen Tierney"
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Kousky C, Ritchie L, Tierney K, et al. (2019) Return on investment analysis and its applicability to community disaster preparedness activities: Calculating costs and returns International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 41: 101296
Jordan E, Javernick-Will A, Tierney K. (2016) Post-tsunami recovery in Tamil Nadu, India: combined social and infrastructural outcomes Natural Hazards. 1-21
Tierney K. (2012) A bridge to somewhere: William Freudenburg, environmental sociology, and disaster research Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2: 58-68
Ritchie LA, Tierney K. (2011) Temporary housing planning and early implementation in the 12 January 2010 haiti earthquake Earthquake Spectra. 27
Tierney K, Bevc C, Kuligowski E. (2006) Metaphors Matter: Disaster Myths, Media Frames, and Their Consequences in Hurricane Katrina Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 604: 57-81
Tierney K, Khazai B, Tobin LT, et al. (2005) Social and public policy issues following the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake Earthquake Spectra. 21
Tierney K. (2005) The 9/11 Commission and Disaster Management: Little Depth, Less Context, Not Much Guidance Contemporary Sociology. 34: 115-120
Tierney K. (2004) Deciding What’s Safe: Making Choices about Earthquake Safety Natural Hazards Review. 5: 61-63
Bruneau M, Chang SE, Eguchi RT, et al. (2003) A Framework to Quantitatively Assess and Enhance the Seismic Resilience of Communities Earthquake Spectra. 19: 733-752
Grusky O, Tierney K, Spanish MT. (1989) Which community mental health services are most important Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 17: 3-16
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