Zhenmei Zhang

2003 Department of Sociology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
"Zhenmei Zhang"
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Zhang Z, Liu H, Zhang Y. (2022) Marital Loss and Cognitive Function: Does Timing Matter? The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Sun R, Zhang Z. (2022) Leisure activities and cognitive impairment in old age: The role of life course socioeconomic status. Aging & Mental Health. 1-8
Liu H, Zhang Z, Zhang Y. (2021) A national longitudinal study of marital quality and cognitive decline among older men and women. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 282: 114151
Zhang Z, Liu H, Choi SE. (2021) Marital loss and risk of dementia: Do race and gender matter? Social Science & Medicine (1982). 275: 113808
Liu H, Hsieh N, Zhang Z, et al. (2020) Same-Sex Couples and Cognitive Impairment: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Zhang Z, Liu H, Choi SW. (2019) Early-life socioeconomic status, adolescent cognitive ability, and cognition in late midlife: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 112575
Zhang Z, Li LW, Xu H, et al. (2019) Does widowhood affect cognitive function among Chinese older adults? Ssm - Population Health. 7: 100329
Liu H, Zhang Z, Choi SW. (2018) Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer in Later Life: The Role of Age at First Marriage. Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland). 3
Luo Y, Pan X, Zhang Z. (2018) Productive activities and cognitive decline among older adults in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Social Science & Medicine (1982)
Xu H, Zhang Z, Li L, et al. (2017) Early life exposure to China's 1959-61 famine and midlife cognition. International Journal of Epidemiology
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