Edith Hessel

Glaxo Smith Kline, Memphis, TN, United States 
"Edith Hessel"
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Wronski S, Beinke S, Obernolte H, et al. (2021) Rhinovirus-induced Human Lung Tissue Responses Mimic COPD and Asthma Gene Signatures. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
Dvornikov D, Zimmermann N, Khan M, et al. (2019) An ex vivo model to study response of human COPD and non-COPD small airways to infections and therapeutic interventions Erj Open Research. 5
Gaskell R, Hall S, Maschera B, et al. (2019) Assessment of the phagocytic capability of sputum macrophages and neutrophils in COPD patients European Respiratory Journal
Jackson S, Candia AF, Delaney S, et al. (2017) First-in-human study with the inhaled TLR9 oligonucleotide agonist AZD1419 results in interferon responses in the lung, and is safe and well-tolerated. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Khan A, Southworth T, Worsley S, et al. (2017) An investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects and a potential biomarker of PI3Kδ inhibition in COPD T cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology
Davidson S, McCabe TM, Crotta S, et al. (2016) IFNλ is a potent anti-influenza therapeutic without the inflammatory side effects of IFNα treatment. Embo Molecular Medicine
Calvert B, Cellek S, Maschera B, et al. (2015) Differential inflammatory response of macrophages co-cultured with epithelial cells F1000research. 6
Wack A, Davidson S, Crotta S, et al. (2015) ID: 151: Unique and overlapping roles of type I and type III interferons in influenza pathology and therapy Cytokine. 76: 63
Campbell JD, Kell SA, Kozy HM, et al. (2014) A limited CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotide therapy regimen induces sustained suppression of allergic airway inflammation in mice Thorax. 69: 565-573
Palazzo S, Porter L, Juss J, et al. (2014) P21 Hypoxia-induced Neutrophil Survival Is Dependent On Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (pi3-k)-mediated Signalling Thorax. 69
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