David B. Miele, Ph.D.

2009 Psychology Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"David Miele"


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Daniel C. Molden grad student 2009 Northwestern
 (Implicit theories of intelligence and processing fluency in perceived comprehension.)
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Miele DB, Browman AS, Vasilyeva M. (2020) Individual differences in students’ effort source beliefs predict their judgments of ability. Motivation Science. 6: 110-132
Muenks K, Miele DB, Wigfield A. (2015) How Students' Perceptions of the Source of Effort Influence Their Ability Evaluations of Other Students Journal of Educational Psychology
Kennedy P, Miele DB, Metcalfe J. (2014) The cognitive antecedents and motivational consequences of the feeling of being in the zone. Consciousness and Cognition. 30: 48-61
Miele DB, Wager TD, Mitchell JP, et al. (2011) Dissociating neural correlates of action monitoring and metacognition of agency. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23: 3620-36
Miele DB, Finn B, Molden DC. (2011) Does easily learned mean easily remembered?: it depends on your beliefs about intelligence. Psychological Science. 22: 320-4
Miele DB, Molden DC. (2010) Naive theories of intelligence and the role of processing fluency in perceived comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 139: 535-57
Miele DB, Molden DC, Gardner WL. (2009) Motivated comprehension regulation: vigilant versus eager metacognitive control. Memory & Cognition. 37: 779-95
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