Steven Sadro, Ph.D.

2011 Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
"Steven Sadro"


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John M. Melack grad student 2011 UC Santa Barbara
 (Linking Lakes to the Landscape: Ecosystem Metabolism of High-Elevation Lakes in the Sierra Nevada, California.)


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Nicholas Taylor Framsted grad student (Marine Ecology Tree)
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Richardson DC, Holgerson MA, Farragher MJ, et al. (2022) A functional definition to distinguish ponds from lakes and wetlands. Scientific Reports. 12: 10472
Burpee BT, Saros JE, Nanus L, et al. (2021) Identifying factors that affect mountain lake sensitivity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across multiple scales. Water Research. 209: 117883
Hrycik AR, Isles PDF, Adrian R, et al. (2021) Earlier winter/spring runoff and snowmelt during warmer winters lead to lower summer chlorophyll-a in north temperate lakes. Global Change Biology
Jane SF, Hansen GJA, Kraemer BM, et al. (2021) Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes. Nature. 594: 66-70
Pilla RM, Williamson CE, Adamovich BV, et al. (2020) Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes. Scientific Reports. 10: 20514
Smits AP, MacIntyre S, Sadro S. (2020) Snowpack determines relative importance of climate factors driving summer lake warming Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 5: 271-279
Vachon D, Sadro S, Bogard MJ, et al. (2020) Paired O2–CO2 measurements provide emergent insights into aquatic ecosystem function Limnology and Oceanography. 5: 287-294
Jepsen SM, Harmon TC, Sadro S, et al. (2019) Water residence time (age) and flow path exert synchronous effects on annual characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in terrestrial runoff. The Science of the Total Environment. 656: 1223-1237
Wyatt KH, Seballos RC, Shoemaker MN, et al. (2019) Resource constraints highlight complex microbial interactions during lake biofilm development Journal of Ecology. 107: 2737-2746
Mantzouki E, Beklioǧlu M, Brookes JD, et al. (2018) Snapshot Surveys for Lake Monitoring, More Than a Shot in the Dark. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6
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