Stephen M. Daigle, Ph.D.

2013 Physics & Astronomy University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Radiation Physics, Astrophysics Physics
"Stephen Daigle"


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Arthur Ernest Champagne grad student 2013 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Low energy proton capture study of the 14N(p, gamma)15O reaction.)
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Daigle S, Kelly KJ, Champagne AE, et al. (2016) Measurement of theErc.m.=259 keV resonance in theN14(p,γ)O15reaction Physical Review C. 94
Howard C, Daigle S, Buckner M, et al. (2015) Performance of a compact multi-crystal high-purity germanium detector array for measuring coincident gamma-ray emissions Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 783: 85-94
Howard C, Ferm M, Cesaratto J, et al. (2014) Radioisotope studies of the farmville meteorite using γγ-coincidence spectrometry. Applied Radiation and Isotopes : Including Data, Instrumentation and Methods For Use in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine. 94: 23-9
Cesaratto JM, Champagne AE, Buckner MQ, et al. (2013) Measurement of the e r c.m. = 138 keV resonance in the 23 Na(p, γ) 24 Mg reaction and the abundance of sodium in AGB stars Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 88
Buckner MQ, Iliadis C, Cesaratto JM, et al. (2012) Thermonuclear reaction rate of 18O(p,γ)19F Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 86
Longland R, Iliadis C, Cesaratto JM, et al. (2010) Resonance strength in Ne22(p,γ)Na23 from depth profiling in aluminum Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 81
Newton JR, Iliadis C, Champagne AE, et al. (2010) Measurement of O17(p,γ)F18 between the narrow resonances at Erlab=193 and 519keV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 81
Ugalde C, Champagne AE, Daigle S, et al. (2007) Experimental evidence for a natural parity state in Mg26 and its impact on the production of neutrons for the s process Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 76
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