Brent M. Phares

Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Civil Engineering
"Brent Matthew Phares" OR "Brent M. Phares"


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F Wayne Klaiber grad student 1998 Iowa State
Terry J. Wipf grad student 1998 Iowa State
 (A design methodology for a low-volume road bridge alternative: Steel beam precast units)


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Justin D. Doornink grad student 2006 Iowa State
Byungik Chang grad student 2007 Iowa State
Yoon-Si Lee grad student 2007 Iowa State
Ping Lu grad student 2008 Iowa State
Ursula M. Deza grad student 2011 Iowa State
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Dopko M, Najimi M, Shafei B, et al. (2020) Strength and Crack Resistance of Carbon Microfiber Reinforced Concrete Materials. 117: 11-23
Liu Z, Phares BM, Shi W, et al. (2020) Full-Scale Evaluation of an Innovative Joint Design between Adjacent Box Beams: Transportation Research Record. 2674: 33-44
Liu Z, Phares BM. (2020) Material Selection for the Joint between Adjacent Box Beams Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 32: 4020039
Liu Z, Phares BM. (2020) Determination of U-bolt connection load capacities in overhead sign support structures Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 170: 106096
Shi W, Shafei B, Liu Z, et al. (2020) Longitudinal box-beam bridge joints under monotonic and cyclic loads Engineering Structures. 220: 110976
Liu Z, Freeseman K, Phares BM. (2020) Evaluation of the need for negative moment reinforcing in prestressed concrete bridges in the view of service loads Engineering Structures. 207: 110206
Liu Z, Phares BM. (2019) Small-Scale Investigation on Wide Longitudinal Joints Filled with Shrinkage-Compensated Concrete for Adjacent Box Beam Bridges Journal of Bridge Engineering. 24: 4019114
Arabi S, Shafei B, Phares BM. (2019) Investigation of fatigue in steel sign-support structures under diurnal temperature changes Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 153: 286-297
Shi W, Shafei B, Liu Z, et al. (2019) Early-age performance of longitudinal bridge joints made with shrinkage-compensating cement concrete Engineering Structures. 197: 109391
Dopko M, Najimi M, Shafei B, et al. (2018) Flexural Performance Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Multiple Macro-Synthetic Fibers: Transportation Research Record. 2672: 1-12
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