H. Ronald Pulliam

University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
"H. Ronald Pulliam"



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Eugene Pleasants Odum research assistant University of Georgia
Peter H. Klopfer grad student 1970 Duke
 (Comparative Feeding Ecology of a Tropical Grassland Finch (Tiaris olivacea))
Richard C. Lewontin post-doc Chicago (FlyTree)


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Craig W. Benkman grad student University of Georgia (Evolution Tree)
Jeffrey Diez grad student University of Georgia
Nick Haddad grad student
Jianguo Liu grad student 1992 University of Georgia (GeograTree)
Joshua H. Ness grad student 2001 University of Georgia
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Diez JM, Giladi I, Warren R, et al. (2014) Probabilistic and spatially variable niches inferred from demography Journal of Ecology. 102: 544-554
PULLIAM HR, LIU J, DUNNING JB, et al. (2008) Modelling animal populations in changing landscapes Ibis. 137: S120-S126
Diez JM, Pulliam HR. (2007) Hierarchical analysis of species distributions and abundance across environmental gradients. Ecology. 88: 3144-52
Dunning JB, Danielson BJ, Pulliam HR. (1999) Ecological processes that effect populations in complex landscapes Ncasi Technical Bulletin. 147
Pulliam HR, Danielson BJ. (1999) Sources, sinks, and habitat selection: a landscape perspective on population dynamics Ncasi Technical Bulletin. 2: 430
Liu J, Dunning JB, Pulliam HR. (1999) Potential effects of a forest management plan on Bachman's sparrows (Aimophila aestivalis): linking a spatially explicit model with GIS Ncasi Technical Bulletin. 311-312
Liu J, Cubbage FW, Pulliam HR. (1999) Ecological and economic effects of forest landscape structure and rotation length: simulation studies using ECOLECON Ncasi Technical Bulletin. 311
Pulliam HR, Dunning JB, Liu J. (1992) Population Dynamics in Complex Landscapes: A Case Study. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2: 165-177
Benkman CW, Pulliam HR. (1988) The comparative feeding rates of North American sparrows and finches Ecology. 69: 1195-1199
Pulliam HR. (1985) Foraging efficiency, resource partitioning, and the coexistence of sparrow species. Ecology. 66: 1829-1836
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