Sharon E. Smaldino

Educational Technology, Research and Assessment Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Instructional Design Education, Educational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education
"Sharon Smaldino"
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Graziano KJ, Herring MC, Carpenter JP, et al. (2017) A TPACK Diagnostic Tool for Teacher Education Leaders Techtrends. 61: 372-379
York CS, Yamagata-Lynch LC, Smaldino SE. (2016) Adult reflection in a graduate-level online distance education course Reflective Practice. 17: 40-58
Thomas T, Herring M, Redmond P, et al. (2013) Leading Change and Innovation in Teacher Preparation: A Blueprint for Developing TPACK Ready Teacher Candidates Techtrends. 57: 55-63
Boboc M, Smaldino S, Persichitte K. (2012) Senior Academic Staff Mentoring: Dealing with a Challenging Concept International Journal of Learning and Development. 2: 57-66
Smaldino SE. (2011) Preparing Students with 21st Century ICT Literacy in Math and Science Education Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. 5: 1-3
Donaldson A, Herring M, Smaldino S. (2011) A New Experience Awaits You in Jacksonville, Florida Techtrends. 55: 4-5
Donaldson A, Herring M, Smaldino S. (2011) Celebrate 3.0: Design, Learn, Community November 8–12, 2011 Techtrends. 55: 3-5
Donaldson A, President-elect A, Herring M, et al. (2011) Celebrate 3.0: Design.Learn.Community. Techtrends. 55: 14-15
Bull G, Maddox C, Marks G, et al. (2010) Educational Implications of the Digital Fabrication Revolution Journal of Research On Technology in Education. 42: 331-338
Bell L, Brown A, Bull G, et al. (2010) A Special Editorial: Educational Implications of the Digital Fabrication Revolution Techtrends. 54: 2-5
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