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C. Sharp Cook grad student 1950 Washington University
 (The beta spectra of Cu61 and Cu64 as a test of the Fermi theory of beta decay.)
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Berlijn JJ, Keaton PW, Madansky L, et al. (1967) Nuclear polarization in the B11(d,p)B12 reaction. I Physical Review. 153: 1152-1158
Warshaw SI, Goldberg DA, Owen GE. (1966) Differential cross sections and exchange effects in the reaction F19(d,n)Ne20 Physical Review. 151: 834-840
Willen EH, Keaton PW, Owen GE. (1964) Angular distributions for the C13(d,n)N14 reaction Physical Review. 133: B930-B934
Finlay RW, Owen GE. (1962) Angular distributions for the F19(d,n)Ne20 reaction Physical Review. 128: 2309-2312
Lambert JM, Madansky L, Owen GE. (1961) Deuteron polarization in the Be9(p, d)Be8 reaction Physical Review. 124: 1959-1963
Zdanis R, Owen GE, Madansky L. (1961) Angular distributions for C13(d, n)N14 Physical Review. 121: 854-857
Reichelt W, Owen GE. (1961) Gamma-ray correlations from the reaction B10(d, p)B11 Physical Review. 121: 547-552
Bardes R, Owen GE. (1960) Angular distributions of the Be9(d, n)B10 neutrons Physical Review. 120: 1369-1374
Owen GE, Madansky L, Edwards S. (1959) Analysis of the Reaction C13 (He3, α) C12 Physical Review. 113: 1575-1580
Owen GE, Madansky L. (1958) Wave Vector Technique for the Analysis of Direct Interactions American Journal of Physics. 26: 260-266
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