Raphaël Jeanson

Toulouse 3 
"Raphaël Jeanson"


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Jean-Louis Deneubourg grad student 2003 Toulouse 3 (Primatology Tree)
 (Dynamique d'agrégation et prises de décisions collectives chez les arthropodes)
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Mauduit E, Jeanson R. (2023) Social recapitulation: Moulting can restore social tolerance in aggressive spiderlings. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Chiara V, Arrufat P, Jeanson R. (2022) A variable refractory period increases collective performance in noisy environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2115103119
Sanmartín-Villar I, Jeanson R. (2021) Early social context does not influence behavioral variation at adulthood in ants. Current Zoology. 68: 335-344
Gartland LA, Firth JA, Laskowski KL, et al. (2021) Sociability as a personality trait in animals: methods, causes and consequences. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 97: 802-816
Chiara V, Jeanson R. (2020) Influence of past and current social contexts on hunting behaviour in spiderlings Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 74: 1-9
Chiara V, Ramon Portugal F, Jeanson R. (2019) Social intolerance is a consequence, not a cause, of dispersal in spiders. Plos Biology. 17: e3000319
Jeanson R. (2019) Within-individual behavioural variability and division of labour in social insects. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 222
Pasquaretta C, Jeanson R, Pansanel J, et al. (2019) A spatial network analysis of resource partitioning between bumblebees foraging on artificial flowers in a flight cage. Movement Ecology. 7: 4
Berthelot K, Ramon Portugal F, Jeanson R. (2017) Caste discrimination in the ant Odontomachus hastatus: what role for behavioral and chemical cues? Journal of Insect Physiology
PASQUARETTA C, JEANSON R, ANDALO C, et al. (2017) Analysing plant-pollinator interactions with spatial movement networks Ecological Entomology. 42: 4-17
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