Everett Stanley Wallis

Chemistry Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Everett Stanley Wallis"
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Lauder William Jones grad student 1925 Princeton
 (The Beckmann Rearrangement Involving Optically Active Radicals)


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Robert M. Moriarty grad student Princeton
John F. Lane grad student 1941 Princeton
Lewis H. Sarett grad student 1942 Princeton
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Wallis ES, Lane JF. (2011) The Hofmann Reaction Organic Reactions. 267-306
Vandenheuvel WJA, Moriarty RM, Wallis ES. (1962) The solvolysis of 4,4-dimethylcholesteryl p-toluenesulfonate. III. A kinetic study Journal of Organic Chemistry. 27: 725-726
Moriarty R, Wallis E. (1960) Correction. Solvolysis of 4,4-Dimethylcholesteryl-p-toluenesulfonate. II. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 25: 2262-2262
Moriarty RM, Wallis ES. (1959) Solvolysis of 4,4-dimethylcholesteryl-p-toluenesulfonate. II Journal of Organic Chemistry. 24: 1987-1989
Moriarty RM, Wallis ES. (1959) The Solvolysis of 4,4-Dimethylcholesteryl p-Toluenesulfonate Journal of Organic Chemistry. 24: 1274-1278
Becker EJ, Wallis ES. (1955) Molecular rearrangements in the sterols. X. The rearrangements of epicholesteryl p-toluenesulfonate and the chemistry of some isomeric cholesterols Journal of Organic Chemistry. 20: 353-362
Ulrich SE, Gentes FH, Lane JF, et al. (1950) Reactions of organometallic compounds with alkyl halides. II. On sodium ethyl and (+)2-chloroöctane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72: 5127-5130
SARETT LH, WALLIS ES. (1947) The chemistry of the steroids. Annual Review of Biochemistry. 16: 655-88
Sarett LH, Chakravorty PN, Wallis ES. (1943) Studies in the bromination of steroid ketones Journal of Organic Chemistry. 8: 405-416
Lane JF, Wallis ES. (1943) Studies on the preparation of synthetic sex hormones. II. Concerning some derivatives of hexestrol [4] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 65: 994
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