Michell L. Thomey, Ph.D.

2012 Biology University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Ecology Biology, Botany Biology
"Michell Thomey"


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Scott L. Collins grad student 2012 Univ. of New Mexico
 (The effects of precipitation variability on C4 photosynthesis, net primary production and soil respiration in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland.)
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Thomey ML, Slattery RA, Köhler IH, et al. (2019) Yield response of field-grown soybean exposed to heat waves under current and elevated [CO ]. Global Change Biology
Köhler IH, Ruiz-Vera UM, VanLoocke A, et al. (2017) Expression of cyanobacterial FBP/SBPase in soybean prevents yield depression under future climate conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68: 715-726
Köhler IH, Ruiz-Vera UM, VanLoocke A, et al. (2016) Expression of cyanobacterial FBP/SBPase in soybean prevents yield depression under future climate conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany
Ladwig LM, Sinsabaugh RL, Collins SL, et al. (2015) Soil enzyme responses to varying rainfall regimes in Chihuahuan Desert soils Ecosphere. 6
Thomey ML, Collins SL, Friggens MT, et al. (2014) Effects of monsoon precipitation variability on the physiological response of two dominant C₄ grasses across a semiarid ecotone. Oecologia. 176: 751-62
Shi Z, Thomey ML, Mowll W, et al. (2014) Differential effects of extreme drought on production and respiration: Synthesis and modeling analysis Biogeosciences. 11: 621-633
Thomey ML, Ford PL, Reeves MC, et al. (2014) Climate change impacts on future carbon stores and management of warm deserts of the United States Rangelands. 36: 16-24
Robinson TMP, La Pierre KJ, Vadeboncoeur MA, et al. (2013) Seasonal, not annual precipitation drives community productivity across ecosystems Oikos. 122: 727-738
Vargas R, Collins SL, Thomey ML, et al. (2012) Precipitation variability and fire influence the temporal dynamics of soil CO 2 efflux in an arid grassland Global Change Biology. 18: 1401-1411
Thomey ML, Collins SL, Vargas R, et al. (2011) Effect of precipitation variability on net primary production and soil respiration in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland Global Change Biology. 17: 1505-1515
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