Todd R. Lookingbill, Ph.D.

2003 Duke University, Durham, NC 
Ecology Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture
"Todd Lookingbill"


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Dean L Urban grad student 2003 Duke
 (Communities in transition: A multiphase study of the Tsuga heterophylla/Abies amabilis ecotone in the Oregon Cascades.)
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Suarez-Rubio M, Lookingbill TR. (2016) Forest birds respond to the spatial pattern of exurban development in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA. Peerj. 4: e2039
Kostadinov TS, Lookingbill TR. (2015) Snow cover variability in a forest ecotone of the Oregon Cascades via MODIS Terra products Remote Sensing of Environment. 164: 155-169
Jawarneh RN, Julian JP, Lookingbill TR. (2015) The influence of physiography on historical and future land development changes: A case study of central Arkansas (USA), 1857–2030 Landscape and Urban Planning. 143: 76-89
Lookingbill TR, Minor ES, Bukach N, et al. (2014) Incorporating Risk of Reinvasion to Prioritize Sites for Invasive Species Management Natural Areas Journal. 34: 268-281
Courtenay CI, Lookingbill TR. (2014) Designing a Regional Trail Network of High Conservation Value Using Principles of Green Infrastructure Southeastern Geographer. 54: 270-290
Lookingbill TR, Schmit JP, Tessel SM, et al. (2014) Assessing national park resource condition along an urban-rural gradient in and around Washington, DC, USA Ecological Indicators. 42: 147-159
Suarez-Rubio M, Wilson S, Leimgruber P, et al. (2013) Threshold responses of forest birds to landscape changes around exurban development. Plos One. 8: e67593
Carruthers TJB, Carter SL, Lookingbill TR, et al. (2012) A Habitat-Based Framework for Communicating Natural Resource Condition Isrn Ecology. 2012: 1-13
Lookingbill TR, Schmit JP, Carter SL. (2012) GRTS and graphs: Monitoring natural resources in urban landscapes Design and Analysis of Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Studies. 361-380
Suarez-Rubio M, Lookingbill TR, Elmore AJ. (2012) Exurban development derived from Landsat from 1986 to 2009 surrounding the District of Columbia, USA Remote Sensing of Environment. 124: 360-370
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