Greg A. Hoch, Ph.D.

2000 Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
Ecology Biology, Range Management Agriculture
"Greg Hoch"


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James A Guikema grad student 2000 Kansas State University
 (Patterns and mechanisms of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) expansion into tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills, Kansas.)
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Briggs JM, Knapp AK, Blair JM, et al. (2005) An Ecosystem in Transition: Causes and Consequences of the Conversion of Mesic Grassland to Shrubland Bioscience. 55: 243-254
Carter GA, Knapp AK, Anderson JE, et al. (2005) Indicators of plant species richness in AVIRIS spectra of a mesic grassland Remote Sensing of Environment. 98: 304-316
Briggs JM, Hoch GA, Johnson LC. (2002) Assessing the rate, mechanisms, and consequences of the conversion of tallgrass prairie to Juniperus virginian a forest Ecosystems. 5: 578-586
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