Dustin G. Reichard

2015- Zoology Ohio Wesleyan University 
"Dustin G. Reichard"


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Ellen D. Ketterson grad student 2007-2013 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
 (Deciphering the function of low-amplitude songs: courtship, aggression, and hormones)
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Reichard DG, Atwell JW, Pandit MM, et al. (2020) Urban birdsongs: higher minimum song frequency of an urban colonist persists in a common garden experiment. Animal Behaviour. 170: 33-41
Schultz EM, Gunning CE, Cornelius JM, et al. (2020) Patterns of annual and seasonal immune investment in a temporal reproductive opportunist. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20192993
Kimmitt AA, Dietz SL, Reichard DG, et al. (2018) Male courtship preference during seasonal sympatry may maintain population divergence. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 11833-11841
Reichard DG, Brothers DE, George SE, et al. (2018) Female dark-eyed juncosJunco hyemalis thurberiproduce male-like song in a territorial context during the early breeding season Journal of Avian Biology. 49: jav-01566
Reichard DG, Kimmitt AA, Welklin JF, et al. (2017) Condition- and context-dependent factors are related to courtship behavior of paired and unpaired males in a socially monogamous songbird The Auk. 134: 575-586
Reichard DG, Welklin JF. (2015) On the existence and potential functions of low-amplitude vocalizations in North American birds The Auk. 132: 156-166
Rosvall KA, Peterson MP, Reichard DG, et al. (2014) Highly context-specific activation of the HPG axis in the dark-eyed junco and implications for the challenge hypothesis. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 201: 65-73
Reichard DG. (2014) Male Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) Respond Differentially to Playback of Local and Foreign Song The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 126: 605-611
Whittaker DJ, Reichard DG, Drouilly M, et al. (2014) Avian olfactory displays: a hypothesis for the function of bill-wiping in a social context Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69: 159-167
Rice RJ, Reichard DG, Schrock SE, et al. (2013) Low-amplitude songs produced by male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) differ when sung during intra-and inter-sexual interactions Behaviour. 150: 1183-1202
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