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Hess CA, Tschinkel WR. (2017) Effect of Thinning and Clear-cuts on the Transmission of Fire in Slash Pine Plantations during Restoration to Longleaf Pine Ecological Restoration. 35: 33-40 |
James FC, Hess CA, Kicklighter BC, et al. (2001) Ecosystem management and the niche gestalt of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in longleaf pine forests Ecological Applications. 11: 854-870 |
Tschinkel WR, Hess CA. (1999) Arboreal Ant Community of a Pine Forest in Northern Florida Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 92: 63-70 |
Hess CA, James FC. (1998) Diet of the red-cockaded woodpecker in the Apalachicola National Forest Journal of Wildlife Management. 62: 509-517 |
James FC, Hess CA, Kufrin D. (1997) Species-centered environmental analysis: Indirect effects of fire history on Red-cockaded Woodpeckers Ecological Applications. 7: 118-129 |